Humm, I haven't updated in awhile. @_@ Last week was crazy. My classes began on Tuesday, I failed my driver's test, took it again and passed, learned to drive a vehicle with a manual transmission so I could buy the old blue car from my parents, went to an interview at Kohl's, got the job at Kohl's and attended the 5 and a half hour orientation, and did a super thorough cleaning of my room (an all-day event). I'm feeling a little wound up just thinking about it, but at least it's done and I survived it. I've been procrastinating doing all of those good adult activities like holdin' a job and driving because of the anxiety they cause me, and here I am doing them all at once! xD What doesn't reduce you to a quivering mass of jelly only makes you stronger, or however it goes.
My little sister is also attending college, now! Seriously. College! >__< I can hardly believe it. Unfortunately, the beginning of her first semester doesn't seem to be going quite so well as mine did, mostly because the seperation from her boyfriend is causing her anxiety. She's handling it by throwing herself into her studies, which is a good deal better than doing what one of her new friends did- that is, drop out of college and move back home to be with her beau. Katie's superior stress managment technique is useful, not only for academic success, but as a survival mechanism. I cannot imagine anyone in this household pulling a stunt like that and surviving. e__e' To help lighten up her day, I think I'm going to enlist Erin's help and make her a short video of a bunch of funny clips. Some live action stuff utilizing whatever costumes I have just lying around, and some low budget animation. Really low budget. Here are some of the eye-opening, mind-blowing character concepts I came up with:
So this is what it feels like to be a genius.