I don't know where I'm going, but I know it's going to be a long time.

May 12, 2014 12:59

First, I finally stopped being lazy and uploaded most of my pictures from my camera. There are A LOT. So much that I learned the limit that Photobucket puts on albums. For anyone interested, the three albums are here, here, , and here. The only things not there are my videos on the GoPro. Those I still need to go through.

Second, in just a few short hours I start my first shift back at work and I'm actually not dreading it. When I was overseas, the plan was to come home and get my old job back while I looked for something else. The thought of going back was not pleasant, but it was easy. Plus, I did have the best coworkers. It was just one of those things I figured would happen.

I'm not going back there though. I'm actually moving to a new location that I didn't even plan.

It started with a trip to Target on my first day home to see her best friend, and someone I had missed training there. It just so happens the doctor I worked with for 4 years works next door, so I figured I'd stop in there too. Well, I didn't even realize who the GM of that store was until I was there, and she offered me a job pretty much on the spot. I'm a big believer in things happening the way they're supposed to, so I told her I'd think about it. The last time someone offered me a job on the spot I worked there for 4 years and it changed me in some of the best ways possible.

I went back to my old store on the same day, feeling slightly like I betrayed them, but then I walked in. I knew immediately I couldn't go back. Somewhere, I left that place behind and I didn't even realize I had. Even without the job offer, I couldn't have done it. It was nice reminiscing in the lab, and it was nice falling back into that very easy banter. It was sad, knowing my lab manager really wanted me to come back. Something inside clicked though, and I knew I couldn't do it.

I don't know how well this will work out, but at least now I know I can walk away if I want to. A change of scenery while at home might be just what I need. 
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