'and that's it' she thought. 'stick a fork in me, I'm done'

Jan 20, 2008 14:05

I don't have much of a social life right now. Actually, I'm not doing much besides sleeping and cleaning stuff up in my apartment when I'm off work. I try to watch some TV or read a book, but usually I fall flat on my face and sleep once I enter my home.

I desperately need a laptop for work, I'm even kinda set on spending the *gulp* 1700 euro the macbook pro costs (the instutute is an "Apple-only" zone,which I adore, but it's not cheap, y'know), but I'm still waiting because there's an update due soon, as I have been told. But I really neeeed a laptop to work with. Right now I'm doing it dinosaur-school-sytle - with pen and paper. And at the weekend I try to transfer/copy everything to my iMac. Which takes a whole day by itself when I should be doing something else anyway. So, ungh. Not nice at all.

Since the writers are still on strike there's no new TV episodes in America, time to finally catch up on all the other stuff that I had been adding to my "to do/read/watch once you've got some free time" list.

Like "Men in Trees". Fun show, I don't care about the relationship drama, but I do like the remoteness of Elmo, Alaska. The shots are always nice. Even though that place would probably be too cold for me to actually live in. I definitely have my sights set on the Seattle/San Fransisco/Vancouver area.

Also? I'm a huge "Bones" fan now, have watched all the old episodes and I am thirsting for more. Hilarious, and it's so good to see David Boreanaz play this character. He's obviously having fun.
I love the humor, and even though I work in a lab myself for 12 hours each day, it's still fun watching them. That's a sign how much I really like this show, right?

As for Moonlight, well I have been watching the last few episodes, since, well, there was really nothing else to watch, but the show has lost me a s a fan. I like the eye-candy that Josef provides, but other then that, I'm out.

Heroes? I have watched the first three episodes of this new season I think. Maybe I'll watch the rest sometime in the future, right now, I don't plan to.

House? Still love it, but it's quite hard to catch episodes on the net. Why is that?

Also, I have been starting to read the "Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer, that everyone is raving about. Well, it's a lot of drama, and I think Bella is quite a bit stupid, but I haven't given up on it yet.

rl, bones, heroes, moonlight, men in trees, tv

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