Al Septien answers disappointed Clark fan on twitter.
SavannahVixen @SV_Writers @alseptien It's disgraceful how much Clark is sidelined so others can shine at his expense.I've lost faith in writing.
SavannahVixen @SV_Writers @alseptien SV is a show that goes out their way to diminish & relegate the main character(Clark) so others can be showcased.
SavannahVixen @SV_Writers @alseptien As a Clark fan I wish I loved SV but the lackluster writing for him is inexcusable & unfair. He deserves way better.
SavannahVixen @SV_Writers @alseptien I care about how Clark is portrayed first & foremost.I wish that same consideration was the main focus for u all.
alseptien @SavannahVixen sorry you feel that way, but I think if you keep watching, you'll be pleased. : )
Then later:
Clark_Advocate @alseptien said that Clark fans would be happy with the finale. I hope he was right and @SV_Writers validate HIS morals, not Chloe's!
alseptien @Clark_Advocate alseptien believes he's right... but he's sure he'll hear about it if he isn't.
I so hope he's not being misleading and that finale will validate Clark's morals.
At least they know a lot of fans are not happy with what's been going on on the show?
His twitter.