Title: His Light Pierces Her Darkness
Author/Artist: Rosella
Rating: PG- Due to Reborn. :|
Warnings: I suppose it could always be much worse. Confusing babble about fear being a living entity with a seeking purpose of something complicated. ._.
Prompt: I: 44. Reborn/Luce - angst; "It's okay to be afraid"
Word count: Fairly long, I didn't count. >.>
Summary: The day before they are turned into babies. The scene taking place on the back porch of the cabin.
She sat there, with that ever present annoying aura of serenity, tranquility, and togetherness that Reborn wanted to just fire his gun to make her jump. Scream.. Anything to know the woman was actually human and not some apathetic beacon. Alas, the fedora wearing hitman thought against it, knowing that it was stupid to try and force some sudden emotion from the other. It was just the way Luce was. Calm, peaceful, kind, and in optimistic about anything- that Reborn had yet to get used to. Only, how she was calm, even now when the start of their new destiny would come with tomorrow's morning light- a new life-- Basically jumping off a cliff with only the knowledge of being able to survive the jump, without actually seeing the distance, in his mind was far beyond Reborn's understanding. And the man was quite knowledgeable. For now, he conformed to simply watching her. Watching the lovely pregnant woman rock back and forth in the creaky antique rocking chair; emanating that annoying aura of tranquility.
He stood behind her, intimidating nonchalance masking his worry, his impatience for something to fuss over, or to shoot at least. And she couldn't help but smile, a distraction from the inner darkness of doubt and fear that bubbled and frothed within. She was scared, but it wasn't for herself, instead for the unborn child she was carrying. A babe that has yet to experience the wonders of life, the rich colors, sweet smells, and loving warmth of a mother's arms. It was hardly fair, being here in her delicate state. What about the others? What if they were harmed because of her trusting-of-others handicap? The inky black cloud grew with each worry, fear and doubt that tumbled forth. She was worried, anything could go wrong, anything could happen, and it was simply out of their control. Luce, held her torso firmly, shining more of a light on how calm she was on the outside. What use was there to make a fuss over this? No, she would be the strong one. The Sky that holds everyone together.... But that cloud of despair and second guessing chimes in again. What if this was a trap, to eliminate the World's Strongest Seven? Would this be her fault for not realizing it sooner? Luce felt small, horribly fragile, and alone. Contrast to how the aura radiated a very composed pregnant woman.
Reborn was not a blind man. Nor was he an oblivious one. The World's Greatest Hitman was not known to be either, much less stupid to not notice a deeper change in the woman before him. That liar. She wasn't well at all. Her own mask smelled of underlying fear. She was afraid and Reborn had been standing there, watching and thinking about shooting to get a larger range of emotion from her. He sighs, had he fired there was a chance Luce would have died of pure fright- if that lick of anxiety had anything to say about it. A hand goes up, lifting the black fedora up just enough to run the other hand through the short raven strands; with his hat back in place he walks towards her.
Luce continues to fall, the black cloud within her tainting everything. Taking over her completely and she allows it, not wanting to go through with any of this. She didn't want to lead her unborn child through a destiny that wasn't fair, that would rob the babe of everything down the road. No, the others could not go through with it either. She would find a way to keep them away, to send them all home. Anything to keep them from this horrid path. She couldn't go through with it. Refused. She's not strong at all. Not the Sky they claimed her to be. She wasn't meant for this... not this life. Deep within the recesses of her slowly corrupted mind, Luce hears the soft thuds of footsteps approaching. What was it now? Someone was coming to take her child away? More bad news? --The dark cloud stretches, flowing softly like mist to caress the woman's mind and heart. Feasting on the doubt, the panic, the slowly depleting optimism it so clearly despised.
Upon closer inspection, that stench of dread fills him. Her dismay threatening to contaminate him as well. But this is Reborn. He doesn't stand there idly, watching someone fall to pieces. And hell if he was going to crumble right along with her.
"Luce," he speaks lowly at first. Wondering just how far she had allowed the fear to envelope her.
She doesn't answer. The words of the hitman muffled as bit by bit her hearing, like everything else, surrenders to the unreasonable hysterics the bothersome spark fear had ignited.
Reborn frowns, crouching down to place larger hands atop dainty fists that were clenched tight and damp with sweat. Dark irises imploring silently for the Giglio Nero donna to open and have striking sapphire orbs looking back at him in that calm nature she always carried. He is met with nothing but droplets spilling past short thin lashes and a quiet sob of a woman trapped within her own fears. He understands, well about as much as he can and before he considers a different option. The Italian is wrapping his arms gently, lovingly, in about as warm an embrace as he can muster; murmuring against her cheek that everything would be alright. "It's okay to be afraid, Luce." He tells her softly as he just holds her, waits with the patience of the world for her sobs to stop.
Her heart skips a few beats, unsure of what had her trapped now. But the tender heat that radiated from this body against hers was different. It began to melt away the dank abyss that held her essence tight. Her shoulders slowly relaxing. Tears coming to a stop as small droplets remained attached to those lashes. She hiccups a few times before sniffling and when she reaches for her own handkerchief, another is placed within her hands. Piece by piece the darkness is pierced with light, sending fear and doubt to sizzle and simmer to something she can easily handle. Something her optimistic attitude always conquers. He doesn't tell her anything aside from it being alright to be afraid, and that was all she needed. She didn't have to hide her weaknesses, to put up a front and lie about that creeping cloud which is always eager to grow again. Her arms wrap around his waist, her grip a bit tight, but he doesn't complain so she doesn't loosen her hold.
He suppresses a sigh.
She manages to smiles again.
That inky veil of defeat smolders to ash again, waiting for an opportunity to take over again and win. Only, it would have to find someone else to corrupt with anxiety and terror because Luce wouldn't be the victim of it again. Not now that she was certain, it was okay to be afraid.