Wedding dress, outfit, whatever

Jul 31, 2009 09:03

One month till our Colorado trip. While I have happily rejected most of the wedding trappings, I find I do want to have something nice to wear. I plan on taking pictures of ourselves using the camera's self timer, so I would like to wear something that will look good in pictures. This outfit should be be light weight and not bulky so that it packs easily, look flattering on me, and photographs well. I also want to wear something that's comfortable, colorful (i.e., not white) expresses something about my personality, has an "outdoorsy" feel so it looks appropriate in an outdoor setting, and possibly most important, gives me that "joyful and free" feeling.

I found a dress on Etsy that could be perfect, except for possibly being a little too small. I have found places on line that make absolutely gorgeous hippie wedding dresses, but with only a month before we leave I don't have time to have one custom made (also, $$$).

I scoured my closet for something that might work. I wasn't sure I would be able to find anything, since I'm at a higher weight than normal right now. I pulled out a skirt and top set from my youthful hippie pagan days, which, miraculously, still fits (the waistband is thick with elastic. Still, it must have been huge on me back then.). The skirt is green, flowing, comfortable, hippie. Overlapping front panels provide extra flaps of fabric, making it very swishable. It's very me. Wearing it, I feel the barefoot hippie princess once again.

The top is comfortable, but a bit on the large side, and not quite as "me" as the skirt. I'm taking a euphemistically named "Cost Savings Day" (actually a furlough day) today. I'll be running around town doing errands, one of which will be to shop for a more appropriate top to match the skirt. Such hardship!

P.S. For you Columbusites of the hippie persuasion, what's your favorite place to shop for hippie clothes? Most of mine are either thrifted or from Yellow Springs. I'll be checking thrift stores today, and also I think I saw some tops at World Market recently. I don't know of other places, though. Is there a place I'm missing? I may end up making a trip out to YSO (again, such hardship!).

clothes, wedding, hippie clothes

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