
Feb 05, 2003 16:08

I dragged myself in to work by eight this morning. It's almost four now. I've actually made it all day. But I don't feel good. I'm sooo tired. There is a buzzing in my head. Every sound seems magnified. Loud speech is painful. The sound of sharply rustling papers is painful. To save my ears, and also to try to induce others to speak softly, I practically whisper whenever I talk to another person. I have little energy and a trip down the hall is enough to make me want to curl up and go to sleep. I do alright if I just sit at my desk and don't move, though. Except my eyes are tired and feel like the Sahara.

Why haven't I gone home? Why am I still at work? Because I don't want to miss another Exercise Phys. class. And if I go home and go to bed, I'm not sure I'll be able to pull myself out of bed again to go to class. If I were sensible, I would have gone home long ago, and not bothered with class either. I am not sensible, however. More like determined.

I want to be well.

sick, illness

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