Musings on being 43

Dec 09, 2008 13:15

I started writing an entry about how this was the year I first really started feeling my age, then I looked back and found I wrote the same thing last year. Heh.

Last year I noted that I could no longer stay out late, but had to make sure to be in bed at a reasonable hour. That's still true, and I have so easily integrated an consistently earlier bedtime into my lifestyle that I don't even think about it anymore. Having my best friend share that schedule with me helps so much! It's easy to get to bed early when it contains snuggles.

I have also gotten used to my food sensitivities this year. I make sure not to eat brassicae (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage) more than once a week. I might even be able to get away with twice a week. I now eat more green beans and snow peas, when before I would have defaulted to broccoli. Variety is good. :)

Last year at this time I mentioned that I was noticing more joint stiffness. I finally had to admit that I have arthritis that affects my knees, shoulders, hips, and knuckles. I now take daily supplements to keep my joints healthy: glucosamine/chondroiten, calcium with Vitamin D, and some source of Omega-3 fatty acids (I was taking fish oil, but that seems to be giving me acid reflux, so I'm switching to flax seeds. And of course there is always olive oil). If I keep up the supplements my joints stay pain-free. My yoga practice also helps immensely.

That same yoga practice has also made me aware of another aspect of aging: my muscles take longer to grow strength and flexibility, and also take longer to heal after overuse. I have kept up a home yoga practice for almost a year now, averaging 5 days a week. I have gained a lot in both strength and flexibility, but I am surprised at how slowly I have had to train. Had I maintained a daily practice 5 years ago I would mostly likely be doing power yoga by now. But alas, I am not. I can do an hour of gentle hatha yoga, but as soon as I try to follow along with a faster vinyasa practice, I hurt myself.

My body is much less forgiving than it used to be. This enforces inward mindfulness in my practice, which is certainly not a bad thing. But I do miss the days I could push my body harder, and know the only consequence would be "good" muscle soreness for a couple of days, rather than risking a strained muscle or torn ligament.

A related issue: DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) isn't always worst the second day after hard exercise anymore. Sometimes it is the third day or possibly later. I haven't gotten used to that yet, which results in muscles sometimes seeming to be sore for no reason.

Oh, yeah. No signs of peri-menopause. Just to be complete. :)

My mind, by the way, is sharp as a tack. Not that I would expect "senior moments" at 43. If anything, I find my thoughts calmer than I used to, which can probably attribute to the meditation and yoga. Calmer thoughts have led to quieter emotions and more confidence. I have taught meditation several times and led a beginning yoga sequence, and surprised myself each time with my calm confidence.

Like I said above, a calmer mind means quieter emotions. When I was young, I was plagued by anxiety and low-grade depression. Maturing has healed both. Sure, I still have days when I'm down, or the occasional panic attack (especially if I haven't been careful in what I eat, and consumed too many simple carbs and nothing else), but that's normal and healthy. But the constant threat of depression and anxiety have been gone for years, and my inner calmness and peace continue to grow.

When I was young, when I thought of "healing", its meaning for me was emotional. Now "healing" is physical. In my 20's I learned to manage depression. Now I am learning to manage arthritis. It's a change of focus that I am gradually getting used to.

birthday, health, joints, healing, arthritis, aging, allergies

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