If I were at full Slayer stength, I’d be more punny

Nov 17, 2008 15:06

I’ve had a cold since last Thursday, and my weekend was more of the same: more nose blowing, sneezing, tired, crappy fun. Rob’s family had a combined birthday party for him and his grandmother Saturday evening. I probably shouldn’t have gone, but I wasn’t so sick that the thought of spending the evening alone didn’t depress me, so I went anyway. I had fun.

I felt well enough to I gave a massage to a friend at noon Sunday. She lives close enough to my house that she was able to come to me for her massage. Giving a massage is so much nicer when I don’t have to lug that table around. The more I think about it, the more I want the lighter (and slightly smaller) Avanta table.

I was really worried about being contagious, and must have washed my hands a dozen times before she got there. I’d had enough Sudafed, that I managed not to sneeze on her during the massage. I was amazed. My lower intercostal (rib) muscles are sore from having blown my nose so often over the past four days.

One good part about being sick, though, is that I watched most of Buffy, Season 3. Side effect: starting to talk like Joss Whedon. I really like Season 3 (I didn’t like the first 2 seasons).

I also learned that restorative yoga really does make me feel better when I’m sick. The hard part is getting myself to do it at all.

I’m doing okay today, if a little tired. And it might be time for more Sudafed now.
Crossposted from my WordPress blog.

tv, rob's family, massage, illness

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