The good news is that I have felt well enough to get back to my normal yoga schedule of practicing 5 days a week. The bad news is that I over did it a little. But it felt so good to stretch! I found myself pushing the poses, extending to my limit instead of being easy with them. Exactly what I am hoping not to do these days. And I have paid for it with some muscle soreness and trigger points.
I got a massage last night, and I was in the worst shape my therapist has seen me in this year. Not nearly as bad as I have been, mind you, but yeah, I could feel it. I was grumpy and a little sore after the massage. But I went to bed early and slept hard. I needed that. I'm feeling much better today.
Before I got the massage I practiced
yin yoga, staying in restorative poses for up to five minutes. Yin yoga stretches the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds and protects the muscles and organs of the body. My idea is that by practicing yin yoga before a massage, I am starting the relaxation process and facilitating the work of the therapist so that the massage will have greater benefit.
I haven’t practiced yin yoga in a month, not since my last massage.
One of the poses is an intense hip opener and strongly stimulates the first chakra. I found myself very restless in the pose and it was impossible to maintain it for five minutes. Clearly I need to do yin yoga more frequently. Ideally I'd like to do it once a week. I think my first two yin yoga sessions were about a week apart and I noticed more ease in the poses that second time.