health/car update

Feb 26, 2007 20:18

I had a Chevy Malibu rental for a day and a half. Luckily the repair to my car was simple enough that they were able to do it on Friday. Something broken inside the steering column. My Jeep runs again. The damage, including towing and rental charges, came to less than $350. If something has to break, I was very lucky in both repair costs and the fact that I was at work when it happened, and it was early enough that I was able to arrange for towing and a ride home before dark.

My health is also much improved. The allergic reactions are much reduced. I ate both Wendy's and Chipotle foods this weekend with impunity ("with impunity" is one of my favorite phrases, btw. I'm happy to be able to use it). However, the lymph glands in my throat that were swollen and tender towards the end of last week were normal during my weekend in Canton. But after spending an hour at home this afternoon they were swollen and tender again. This may have something to do with the fact that I haven't vacuumed in months, or changed the furnace filter all winter. The Roomba is currently employed in the living room, and I will shortly be vacuuming the kitchen. I plan to buy a new filter for the furnace tomorrow. A house-wide dusting will be happening soon.

Was "Walk On Fire" a radio hit? It sure sounds like it. I'm a bit embarrassed for liking it.

sick, allergies, car breakdown, illness

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