Feeling better, and Bride and Prejudice

Oct 20, 2006 10:14

I only stayed home Monday and Tuesday, and by Wednesday I was well enough to go to work. I took Emergen-C megavitamins Sunday night, Monday, and Tuesday, and I think that helped me get through the illness quicker. My throat is still pretty hoarse, though. I'm supposed to read tarot at a benefit tomorrow night, and I think I'm going to beg off. I'm afraid I'd completely lose my voice before I was half-way through the gig. And who wants someone coughing over their cards, anyway?

I watched Bride and Prejudice last night. That movie is just like cotton candy. Eye candy, romantic candy, dance candy, and lots of bright pastels. It combines the less interesting parts of Jane Austin with the glitz of Bollywood, and the result is happy colorful fluff. Wheeeee!

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