Ren Faire

May 06, 2003 17:48

My dance troupe (well, seven of us) performed at a local Renaissance Faire this past Saturday. We put on three half-hour performances, which included zeffa (a candle-lit wedding procession), Turkish Roma, khaleegy (a Saudi woman's dance), and one woman performed a sword solo. Because I haven't been able to make it to the normal Wednesday practices, I only had small parts in the easier choreographies. I don't mind, though. Every time I get up on stage I feel like I do better at staying in character and being comfortable on stage.

There is starting to be talk of having me solo during troupe performances. But I don't know anything other than what we've learned for the group numbers. I've only been taking lessons for a year and three quarters. I think what I am going to have to do is go to a seminar and actually *pay attention* to and *learn* a choreography so I can bring it back. Gack! I'm terrible at learning choreography during a day long seminar.

After our last performance came the shopping. I love how my troupe leader is forever dressing us and getting us to buy new clothes. I ended up buying a suede leather half-bodice that is, well...uplifting. I looked in their mirror and didn't recognize myself. I also got a suede bolero and dance belt set at a deeply discounted price. I'll have to work that one into a costume somehow. I also purchased two very pretty Peruvian silver necklaces. And though I almost never have sword lust, but I *almost* bought a sword, too. (It was really pretty). But I decided I had bought enough stuff.

Several of us were originally planning to drive down to Kentucky after our last performance to attend a workshop on Sunday. But my teacher had pulled a hamstring the day before, and we decided that driving for 5 hours after performing all day was too much. So we bought stuff instead. And then went out to an English/Scottish pub for gourmet (no really!) British cuisine. Yummy. We ended up chatting for hours, which was fun and relaxing.

dance, performance, dancing, ren fest

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