We even have a secret handshake (okay, not really)

Feb 03, 2005 11:23

I could be making it up, but my vision seems to continue to improve. My middle vision is the best. My close vision is a bit odd because I have a bit of trouble figuring out where to hold a sheet of writing in order to best read it. Optimum reading distance has apparently changed for me a little bit. People say I'm not as squinty as I was on Monday. I think I must have used to squint up my face, especially the apples of my cheeks, to try to push my glasses up my nose. The muscles are finally getting used to not having to do that, and relaxing.

Yesterday I almost had a fit because I had the urge to push my glasses up my nose, and I couldn't.

I feel like I have joined an exclusive club or a secret society. The Lasik Club. There are apparently a bunch of people working here who have had Lasik done. Just the other day somebody who I hadn't seen in a while noticed I wasn't wearing glasses and asked if I'd had surgery. It turns out he had it about 4 months ago.

I still haven't gotten used to seeing the world as actual size. At least once a day I have the feeling that I've been wearing my contacts too long and I really should be taking them out now. Not because it feels like I'm wearing contacts, but because when I used to wear contacts for a full day my eyes would feel dry and irritated the following day. Seeing everything big all the time is a guilty pleasure. And very freaky.


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