(no subject)

Dec 23, 2004 11:12

Last night I waited for the #4 bus home for over an hour. And that would be the day that I forgot to wear a hat, although I did have an umbrella. The 5:45 didn't come, nor did the 6:03 or the 6:23. Finally the 6:45 did arrive. I was starting to worry that the #4 line wasn't running at all. But I was sure that the moment I gave up waiting and went into the mall to call a cab, the bus would come. When a co-worker came out to catch the bus a few minutes before it finally came, I could hardly make my cheeks move to talk to her.

This morning, though, my good luck in getting to work made up for it. The bus came about 5 minutes after I got to the bus stop. I took a chance that the #4 line was running at all, since we are under a Level 2 Snow Emergency. My ride in took about the same time as usual.

We are getting a mixture of snow and rain today. It's the freezing rain that is really causing the problems. Apparently about half the city is without power. I'm one of the lucky ones with power. I did see a transformer blow this morning, though. It looked like lightning flashing in my window, and my power dimmed for a few seconds, then came back on. It must have affected the next block up. As I was walking to the bus stop, an electric repair truck arrived, presumably to fix it.

I wore a hat today, and brought an umbrella. All non-essential city employees are excused from work today, but us state employees don't have such luck. Only a handfull of us in our division made it in today. You can bet that if I was without power today, I'd be staying home to make sure my cats kept warm.

seasons, snow, winter, weather

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