feeling better

Nov 08, 2004 17:43

I did get a perscription for antibiotics Friday afternoon. I felt better by Saturday, and spent most of the day studying anatomy/physiology. After a hard day of studying, I started feeling tired and poorly Saturday evening.

By Sunday morning I was back to feeling achey, tired, and pretty poorly. I almost got to my review class, but decided that four hours in a classroom was just not going to cut it and I turned around. Went back to bed. On the plus side, I no longer had a metallic taste in my mouth when I coughed (um, that sounds worse than it really was). But the body aches (no fever) and tiredness were back.

I stayed home from work today. I have rested and napped most of the day, and I am finally feeling normal and kinda perky. Thank goodness. I hope I'm well enough to go to work tomorrow. I'm tired of this sickness.

Saturday I decided I wanted to hear "Across the Universe", so I opened Kazaa for the first time in ages. I had to download the newest version, along with their virus protection software. Stupid. My computer ended up not liking it, and kept crashing. After trying a number of things, I was finally able to get into DOS by booting from the cd of Windows 98 instead of from the hard drive, and I was able to delete the offending files. Thank goodness I still remember some DOS from the pre-Windows days. Otherwise I'd have been SOL.

sick, medications

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