still sick

Nov 05, 2004 09:49

I am still sick. It's been over a week now. My throat is raw, my chest is congested. I'm coughing up phlem. My head is cloudy and I can hardly think. My body aches. I want to go to bed.

I felt tired but otherwise okay when I got up this morning, so I came into work. Plus I had a few things I wanted to respond to that wouldn't take too much time. But once I got here things went downhill. As soon as my doctor's office opened at 8:30 I called in and let them know I wasn't any better than when I saw him on Tuesday. I'm hoping that he'll call in a scrip for antibiotics for me. That was over an hour ago. Now I'm just sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. Everyone else at my office is at a staff meeting.

I feel lousy. I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers up over my head.

sick, illness

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