Jan 05, 2010 02:48
you are music to me. second to GOD, you are the one who can get songs to remind me of your pressence, your warmth, your embrace. i am not addicted to music, but i am to the memories of you. why should it be so?
you are devil to me. a chess piece that is held in the palm of Satan. the one piece that could possibly be the one that kills my game. now i don't see you. i see satan's dummy, i see you are his plan to stumble me.
and now i dont know what to say of this or it or you anymore. i hate the way you can enter and quit, like how you can in a game of world of war craft. but the hate doesnt just end there. there is so much more that i cant describe, that i am too lazy to say/make out. thank jesus i only feel sadness.
you and i, we need to close up the wound with a final stitch.
p/s: its funny when people say " the longest shit" because i imagine a really long piece of shit. and i think long shits are funny. " i havent seen you in the longest shit " --> 5 secs, then HAHAHAHA.