Graduation Part 2

May 19, 2007 10:49

As I began to descend the stairs to our appointed seats (thankfully fully engulfed in shade) I passed my family and my father reached out and squeezed my arm. Dad is not a very emotionally expressive person, which one action said more than anything he could have said. I knew what it meant; he knew I knew, what more do you need. I smiled at all my “fans” thrilled that they were there sharing this with me, they knew how hard I had worked, they knew what I had been through, they knew why this was and is a highlight in my life. As we all took our seats I took it all in, the people the sea of black I was apart of, the professors in a variety of colored nylon and velvet robes. A slight breeze was blowing, birds were singing and Chris was beaming at me with pride.

The ceremony started and as in the protocol for this type of thing we sat through a very boring and dry speech. Ok, maybe it is not fair to bash the speech; I think it was the speaker. I can only hope that his lectures are more interesting, having never even seen him I have no clue, neither did anyone around me. The only amusing moment, which was not meant to be, was when he informed us that of all the close friends we currently had, many “…we would NEVER see again.” Way to be a buzz kill….

As it came time for us with BA’s to approach the stage, I watched with pride as people I call friends crossed as their names were call, but I was proud of all who were there. They don’t just hand these out for showing up. Even if their grades weren’t the best, they had completed the requirements and deserved this day. When I stood and moved towards the stage, I was so very excited, but also very thoughtful, this was a moment I had waited for and worked hard for, it was a moment that at times I thought it might not happen. but here it was…

I approached Professor Anderson, who confirmed how to say my name (come on, Heather is easy… ; ) ) and when he saw the two majors in philosophy and history, he told me “Good for you! Congratulations Heather.” I smiled and started my way across the stage….
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