Aug 14, 2004 14:45
People who have issues with others swearing amuse and confuse me. I don't understand how the way i say something can be so offensive to someone. I mean, having sex and fucking are the same thing, but one way to say it is more acceptable. "That's Bullshit" and "That's a vicious fabrication" are the same thing, but one can't be said on public access broadcast. Language is a constantly evolving faculty, people! One hundred years ago it was considered a major faux pax to say the word "breast" or "thigh" when referring to a chicken! Now the words appear regularly all across the public access domain. Oh, also, how is "BS" considered any less "offensive" than "bullshit?" That would be like someone saying, "Oh, we can't say United States of America--that might offend some people, but USA is ok."
And some people argue that using "vulgar words" is degrading to someone's intelligence and self-esteem. Tell me, how does that work? I should think that a word in itself has no power to makesomeone feel degraded. Context is what gives a word power. "You're a fucking idiot," and "you are a myopic, condescending, uncouthe imbecile" mean the same thing, but I can say teh second one to someone not offend their delicate sensibilities?
::sigh:: anywho, enough of my disconnected rantings. i put off my post of yesterday until i get back today.