Livejournals are the ultimate means of drawing attention. Littered with pointless details about the life their owners don't have, boring descriptions of daily events are cataloged and then summarized with an "emoticon," an animated GIF of a cute bubbly face or creature depicting the current psychotic emotional state of the journal owner during the entry's publication. They've become so widespread and popular, Livejournals are actually considered a "community" and many are more disturbing than a Dennis Rodman webcam. Even the service itself suffers from the same pathetic desires for social consideration. During downtimes, visitors are treated with a mini-livejournal entry about how the admin is having problems in college or lost his N'Sync magnetic wrist band.
So true so true....
So why do I have one.... piss (you) off
and I keep a nice personal one at DJ which has the most posts and the most hate mail. I love it.
hypocrite? no.
admitted sinner who likes to dabble in a facet of society and culture thats deeply deeply flawed and does nothing but proudly signify us as a people thats VERY VERY VERY FUCKED UP during a time where it was oblivious at a younger time of adolesence and happiness only to find a passion in the attention and pride in maintaining something much better then anyone else? most likely.
Seriously though we should all be ashamed of ourselves for having such disgusting things.
Im keeping my DJ because Im comfortable with being ashamed.