Title: A New Game in Town
nherizuPairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Rating: PG (R18 stuff will be posted separately)
Genre: A mix of Romance, Drama, Humor and maybe kinda Mystery too...?
Note: this is actually from kink meme, I just decided to de-anon so that I can be more serious in completing this story xD
Prompt: "Shizuo is staring out the window of the cafe he frequents when Izaya stops, stares, and kisses where Shizuo's mouth is from the glass. Is this how love begins? - AU."
Heiwajima Shizuo knew his life wouldn't be the same again after that kiss-the one that had been sneakily stolen from him. But it was too late, nothing he could do to get rid of Orihara Izaya's existence from his head. If anything, succumbing to the sinful attraction might be the best choice. But of course Izaya wouldn't let it happen so easily.
“Yeah, because I didn’t think you'd actually go kissing random people just to prove you're still an asshole even after nine years-“ )
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