wrong date

Mar 05, 2013 21:24

pg; 1.4k

A/N this actually happend to me over the weekend except I had no cute Soo to help me out T_T. huge thanks to Dani for betaing this for me. enjoy!

Jongin was beyond confused. Why did schools have to be so big? He continued to walk around the school, casting looks to the side to see if he could find other students also taking their SATs, hoping they could help him find the building. Surprisingly, though, there was no one around who seemed to fit that description. He wondered if he was somehow the only person taking the test today, or if he was just the only one that managed to get lost.

Finally, after what seemed like hours he decided it was time to ask for help. He spotted a boy making his way across the courtyard and made a beeline towards him.

"Excuse me!" Jongin yelled out.

His target stopped, and looked around confusedly before spotting Jongin. Jongin quickly ran up to him, appearance a bit frazzled from running over to him so quickly.

"I-um- uh," Jongin stuttered, a bit out of breath.

"Do you need help with something?" the stranger asked with a patient smile.

Jongin caught his breath and looked down at the stranger and promptly felt himself flushing. In front of him was the epitome of adorable. A smaller male with large eyes, framed by long wispy lashes which rested on cute cheeks. His skin was pale and milky and it made Jongin think of porcelain, and his lips, plump and pink and so tempting Jongin stopped himself before he did anything dumb (like kiss him). All tied together by the cutest expression on said stranger's confused face made Jongin realize he still hadn’t said anything.

"Uh, yeah, I'm supposed to be taking my SATs today but I can't find the building. Would you mind helping me find it?" He gave a shy smile before sticking out his hand "I'm Jongin by the way."

The stranger offered his hand a curious glance before shaking it "I'm Kyungsoo," he smiled up at him, eyes crinkling cutely, "Would you mind giving the paper so I can check what building its at?"

Kyungsoo stuck out his hand, Jongin quickly handed the paper to him. He really hoped that Kyungsoo hadn’t heard the little gasp he’d let out when their hands brushed.

“Let’s see, the HC building is right over there” Kyungsoo pointed across the courtyard to one of the many buildings to the right. They all looked the same to Jongin, and he could feel the helpless look creeping its way onto his face. Kyungsoo turned to look at him, and Jongin saw his face soften. Could I be anymore lame, thought Jongin. Regardless it seemed the shorter didn’t mind because he smiled up at Jongin and said, “Come on, I’ll walk you.”

Jongin felt a bit self-conscious following Kyungsoo around like a puppy but the shorter boy didn’t seem to mind.

“Are you planning on coming here in the fall?” Kyungsoo asked trying to fill the silence as they walked towards the buildings.

Jongin nodded “Yea, I want to major in dance,” he proudly stated.

Kyungsoo gave a small grin “That’s really cool! My friend Yixing helps teach all the freshman. Maybe you’ll be in his class.”

Jongin nodded and was about to ask what the shorter majored in, but didn’t get the chance to because Kyungsoo had stopped walking, and was facing one of the buildings.

Jongin looked at him and felt himself grin. Kyungsoo was biting his lips and giving the paper a worrisome glance, and then looking back up at the building, then back at the paper. It was all very cute, really.

“Is there something wrong?” Jongin asked, Kyungsoo seemed a bit confused staring down at the paper.

“Hm, yea this is the HC building, but the doors are locked, and theres no one here to check on the kids coming inside like there usually is.”

Kyungsoo continued muttering, but Jongin had long since stopped listening, preferring to just
stare at the expressions the short male was making. He kept on raising his eyebrows and puffing out his cheeks, in annoyance at the situation. Jongin had to restrain himself, wanting to grab Kyungsoo and kiss the annoyed expression off his face. Kyungsoo let out an exasperated sound and looked at the building again.

“Maybe it’s on the other side?” Kyungsoo muttered more to himself than Jongin. Jongin hummed still in a daze when he noticed Kyungsoo was walking away from him to the other side, he walked up to Kyungsoo hoping he didn’t notice how spaced out he was.

They continued to walk around the whole building, finally gaining entrance through a side door, causing Kyungsoo to clap his hands excitedly and jump a little, caught up in the excitement of finding an entrance. Kyungsoo coughed, and Jongin was happy to notice the tinge of pink on his cheeks. “Let’s just find the classroom,” Kyungsoo shyly said, looking embarrassed. Jongin almost squealed.

They made small talk while walking inside the hallways, and Jongin was happy to find out that Kyungsoo was a music major and only one year older than him. Jongin inquired more about Kyungsoo if only to keep him talking. He liked the timbre of Kyungsoo’s voice and the way his eyes shined when he talked about his major.They continued to talk until Kyungsoo stopped at one of the doors, and then walked to the one beside it.

“Why is there no one here?” Kyungsoo seemed to get more disgruntled at the sight of the empty classrooms. “Kyungsoo, it’s ok I can just reschedule. Maybe they canceled it today or--”

He was abruptly caught off by Kyungsoo who mumbled something before laughing. “Jongin, oh my gosh, Jongin! The paper says the test date isn’t until next Saturday!”

Jongin was dumbfounded, in his haste to get to the school early he forgot to check the test date. After the initial shock of his mistake wore off he began to feel extremely mortified. Why him? Why in front of someone so cute? Jongin felt the chances of Kyungsoo being remotely attracted to him gone.

Jongin felt the embarrassment oozing out of every pore of his body, positive his face the color of a tomato before apologizing.

“Don’t worry it’s fine,” Kyungsoo smiled up at him, still chuckling. “Now you’ll know where everything is for next Saturday.”

They walked out of the building, Jongin making gurgling noises every once in awhile, which almost resembled apologies, and Kyungsoo giggling beside him.

“Thank you, I-I-uhm, I’m sorry for wasting your time, and uh, yeah, thanks again.” Jongin stumbled through his words, looking down at his shoes in embarrassment. He heard a small laugh, before looking up.

“It’s fine. I was happy to help,” Kyungsoo replied, whilst getting something out his bag. Jongin stared at Kyungsoo who took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. “My number, uhm, just in case you get lost again,” Kyungsoo said, sounding a bit nervous.

Jongin noticed the tint of pink that dusted Kyungsoo’s cheeks, and beamed. “Of course! Yeah I’ll definitely text you,” he internally yelled at himself for sounding so excited. They both stood there a bit awkwardly before simultaneously breaking into smiles.

“I guess I’ll see you around here next year. Bye Jongin,” Kyungsoo smiled, looking hesitant to go but began to walk away.

Jongin watched Kyungsoo’s retreating form, feeling sad and decided that this was not the last time he wanted to see Kyungsoo. He quickly ran up to him, grabbing hold of his shoulder, before twisting him around.

Kyungsoo looked surprised, and Jongin realized he probably acted a bit rashly.

“Did you forget something Jongin?” Kyungsoo asked.

Jongin decided it was now or never. “Is it okay if I call you for something that isn’t directions to a building?” he smiled, hoping Kyungsoo would get the hint.

Kyungsoo beamed up at him “Of course.”

Jongin was elated, embarrassment from his previous mistake gone, because now he had a date with a cute boy, with Kyungsoo.

“Um Jongin, would you mind letting me go now?” Kyungsoo asked playfully, grin on his face.

Jongin glanced down, realizing that he was still gripping Kyungsoo's shoulder and quickly dropped his hand. He ran his sweaty palms over his pants, smiling a little awkwardly.

“Sorry, I’m just happy about meeting you. Wow okay I sound like a dork and I'm rambling, I’m going to go now,” Jongin stated, embarrassed.He began to walk away in but not before turning around and shouting, “Expect my call!” and promptly running to the bus stop, smile on his face, number in his pocket. All in all, he guesses it really wasn’t that bad he came on the wrong date.

pg, kaisoo

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