my favorite secretary

Feb 18, 2013 11:15

r; 1.2

A/N my first attempt at writing and it would have been un-readable if it wasn't for sarah, so thank you!! and i hope you enjoy ^.^

Jongin loved teasing Kyungsoo in the office. His ever obedient secretary was so easily flustered it wasn't much of a challenge - whispering in his ear, stroking his neck - simple things that would make his secretary flush prettily. Jongin wanted to see how far he could push his secretary and decided he would try to spend some time alone with him today.

"Kyungsoo!" Jongin yelled out into the office space.

He heard a muffled yelp and some giggles when he saw his cute little secretary coming out of Chanyeol’s cubicle, he narrowed his eyes and almost hissed at Park Chanyeol, but composed himself before anyone could notice. Kyungsoo quickly walked into his office.

"Yes Mr. Kim?" Kyungsoo asks, giving him a questioning glance looking a bit flustered. Jongin smirked, he always got fidgety when they were alone in his office.

Jongin never got tired of hearing Kyungsoo say Mr. Kim. It always turned him on, imagining him saying it somewhere else, (preferably on a bed, naked somewhere). Jongin shook his head trying to focus, hoping his secretary didn't notice his silence (and his flushed face).

"I, uh, need your help with some case files later in the evening, is that okay?" he asked. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he mumbled something under his breath. Jongin strained his ears but didn’t hear.

“What was that?” he asked. Kyungsoo quickly looked up and to Jongin’s surprise he looked a bit pleased.

“Of course Mr. Kim, just call me when you need me,” Kyungsoo replied. He bowed and walked out of the office. Jongin had a passing thought that his ass looked very nice in those pants.


Jongin felt nervous. He had just told Kyungsoo to come to his office in a couple of minutes, and now he was freaking out. He’d never been completely alone with Kyungsoo before, and the thought of being alone with Kyungsoo in his office had him feeling more flustered than he'd felt comfortable with. He went to his complimentary restroom, (because of course the Senior partner of SM would have a complimentary restroom), and splashed some water on his face, hoping to cool down. There was a knock on the door causing Jongin to jump up in surprise, followed by a shy “Mr. Kim, are you in here?” Jongin quickly composed himself and walked out.

“Uh y-yes I’m here, are you ready?” Jongin mentally slapped himself for sounding so nervous. He wasn’t supposed to be nervous, they were just going to review some files, if anything Kyungsoo should be the nervous one!

Kyungsoo smirked, his boss looked incredibly nervous for someone who was usually so calm and collected. Jongin gulped, he’d never seen Kyungsoo look so composed, it was unnerving, and Jongin swore Kyungsoo was giving him bedroom eyes. "Mr. Kim do you actually want to work?” Kyungsoo asked. The question sent a charge through the room and Jongin tried to stop the shiver running down his spine from the husky tone of Kyungsoo’s question. Jongin felt himself backing away from Kyungsoo and his sexy smirk and bedroom eyes, who just followed him until he fell on his couch, (because of course the Senior partner of SM would have a couch in his office), with Kyungsoo not following far behind.

“K-kyungsoo, what are you doing?” Jongin stammered out. Kyungsoo was sitting on his lap. Kyungsoo, his secretary, who blushes whenever Jongin walks by and fidgets when Jongin gets too close was on his lap.

“Oh Mr. Kim, I’m pretty sure you know what I’m doing. Did you really plan on just working when we have the office all to ourselves? Oh no, I’ve got plans for us,” Kyungsoo replied huskily, causing Jongin to give out a choked cry.

Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin’s tie and crashed his lips to Jongin’s. Contrary to the hard tug and the crash of their lips, the kiss wasn’t as rough as Jongin thought it would be. Kyungsoo was leaving little pecks along his bottom lip, occasionally licking and biting it, taking his time, and then kissing him and going back to those sweet little pecks. Jongin made a noise of impatience in the back of his throat that had Kyungsoo bucking onto his lap, Jongin moaned and bucked back up feeling his cock harden.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanted to do this Jongin,” Kyungsoo rasped out, panting whilst sucking on Jongin’s lips. Jongin moaned at the use of his name and promptly pushed his tongue further into Kyungsoo's mouth, deepening the kiss, and grinding up with renewed fervor. Mewls were spilling out of each others mouths and Kyungsoo bent down to nip along Jongin’s jaw, while Jongin finally got to feel how pert Kyungsoo’s ass was and just how delectable those thighs were under his hands with grinding Kyungsoo onto him.

They continued kissing, saliva coating their lips, and hips bucking to meet each other. Pulling Kyungsoo closer, Jongin reached up to suck along Kyungsoo’s neck biting and leaving marks underneath his ear lobe. Kyungsoo keened at that, shuddering, and slammed himself down harder on Jongin’s cock making them both moan. Jongin was close, and by the obscene moans leaving Kyungsoo’s mouth and the way he was humping Jongin, he was sure his secretary was just as close.

His vision was beginning to blur and oh god yes just a little more and he was going to come. The room was filled with the sound of their whimpers and growls of one them asking to faster, harder, they were both so close, and then someone pounded on the door.

“Kyungsoo!” someone yelled on the other side, and Jongin swore he was going to kill Park Chanyeol one day. They both stilled and groaned at the loss of friction, a heavy feeling of dissatisfaction hanging between them. Jongin nuzzled his head in between Kyungsoo’s neck and shoulder, biting down on his earlobe coaxing a choked cry out of his secretary.

“Don’t go, stay, let’s finish,” he pleaded in a breathy voice, grinding Kyungsoo down on him making both of them moan.

Jongin looked up at Kyungsoo and gulped. Kyungsoo looked thoroughly ravished,his hair was disheveled and sticking to his sweaty forehead, usually plump lips were, if possible even more swollen and glistening with saliva and his neck was covered with love bites. He looked delectable sitting on his lap, breathless, cheeks pink from their activities and with that lustful gaze on his face, Jongin didn’t think he could let him go. But all good things must come to an end and sadly it seemed like Chanyeol would not leave them alone. He could hear him muttering something about office dating rules behind the closed door.

Kyungsoo gave him a small smile and pushed himself off of Jongin, looking exceptionally proud of himself. He stretched out the kinks in his body from sitting on Jongin for too long and fixed his disheveled clothing .

“Maybe tomorrow Mr. Kim,” he replied a bit cheekily, quickly bending down and tugging on Jongin’s cock, causing Jongin to whimper. He smirked and practically skipped out of the room. Jongin unabashedly watched the way his ass bounced before flopping on the couch and sighing.

Well, might as well finish myself off, Jongin thought, slipping his hands down his pants to stroke himself to completion. He soon came to the thought of Kyungsoo’s breathy moans by his ear and how his plush thighs felt wrapped around him.

r, kaisoo

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