clumsy cause i'm falling in love

Sep 24, 2014 01:17

pg13; 2.3k

a/n written for yeolliepopday

“Don’t forget your essays will be due by the end of this week.” The professor announces, dismissing the class. Collective groans can be heard around the classroom-along with his own, as everyone shuffles out.

Chanyeol stands and slowly starts putting his things away, glancing at the desk beside the professor’s where the new teacher assistant sits. Do Kyungsoo. He’s a tiny feisty (cute) thing, gave him a C on the last paper he’d graded, along with a comment, ‘try not to get your facts off of wikipedia next time’. Chanyeol’s been smitten ever since.

He takes a deep breath, working up the guts to go talk to him when his best friend, world’s biggest asshole, comes crashing into him.

“Dude,” Jongdae whines, “let’s go, I’m starving.”

“Jongdae,” Chanyeol growls, “today was the day I was gonna go talk to him!”

Jongdae laughs and looks over at Kyungsoo, who is talking to some students about Friday’s paper. “He looks busy did you really want to ask him out for coffee in front of a crowd?”

Chanyeols sighs, shoulders slumping, instead of admitting Jongdae is right (which is something no one should ever do). He grabs his things and walks out of the room, a hungry Jongdae hot at his heels.

It’s late on Thursday night when Chanyeol realizes he should really stop procrastinating on his essays.

He has about 20 tabs open and he’s sure 10 of them are Wikipedia articles. The thought alone makes his lips quirk upwards in a smile, and soon enough he’s in dreamland.

Chanyeol had a hard time (no pun intended) concentrating in class that day. Kyungsoo had looked good. Instead of his usual black attire, Kyungsoo was wearing an incredibly cute sweater with little doggies on it, and washed out jeans that fit snug on his thighs. Everything was okay.Chanyeol was going back and forth between focusing on the lecture and watching Kyungsoo grade papers, that is until Kyungsoo decided to stand up in all his well-dressed glory and torture him.

It had been innocent really.There was nothing sensual about walking to the trash can, but somehow the sway of Kyungsoo’s hips had Chanyeol feeling like he was sixteen all over again.

He shakes his head and looks over at the clock. 1:02 AM. he knows he has to stop thinking about doing unholy things to Kyungsoo in the classroom and get back to work.

Paper in hand and a pick-up line in mind, Chanyeol is a man with a mission. Plan: Hint to Do Kyungsoo That I’m Interested in Him, goes into action today.

Class is almost over and Chanyeol is sure he’s sweating bullets, but he can’t sit idly by and not do anything about his crush when all he can think about is Kyungsoo’s soft looking hair, and his pretty pink (distracting) lips.

“Alright everyone,” the professor says, “you can give your paper to either Mr. Do or I, and you’re free for the weekend.” Excited murmurs erupt around the room. Everyones excited, they get to leave class early and the weekend is finally here. It’s all university students dreams. People quickly begin filling up at the front of the class, trying to leave quickly and Chanyeol makes a beeline for Kyungsoo’s desk.

He glances around and watches some people straight up leave instead of handing in their work. Probably didn't do their papers, he thinks, and almost laughs when he realizes one of them is Jongdae. Lazy shit.

The line gets shorter and shorter until he’s the last one. Kyungsoo looks up at him expectantly, a perfectly arched brow raised in question since all Chanyeols done is stare at him.

“Your paper, Chanyeol.”

Oh God he knows his name.

“Uh, right, yeah, sorry,” he mumbles, handing it to him.

“Thank you,” Kyungsoo dismisses.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, he has to do this now. Fuck, okay, OKAY!

“Do you know the body is 65 percent water,” Chanyeol almost shouts.

Kyungsoo looks at him oddly. “Uh, yeah -”

“I’m thirsty,” Chanyeol interrupts, and internally curses. He’s ruined it. he can feel his face growing hot as Kyungsoo continues to stare at him like he’s grown a second head.

“Do you have a fever Chanyeol? The nurse’s office is a block away. Do you want me to walk you over?” Kyungsoo seems to be contemplating taking Chanyeol there himself before he interrupts. “No, I’m fine. Thanks. Bye,” He mumbles and scurries out, completely mortified.

Chanyeol bumps into Jondae outside the room.

“How’d it go?” Jongdae asks, looking over, what he is sure, is his very red face.

“I blew it. I knew I should have gone with the chemistry line, that one was stupid.” Oh god, he’s so stupid. Why did he think to use that pick-up line. Kyungsoo is going to think he’s an idiot.

Jongdae cackles and pats him on the back, “Theres always next time.”

“Hyung,” he despairs, “I’ve ruined everything. Help me.”

“If you want my advice, stop beating around the bush. We’re all men now. Just ask him out. What's the worst that can happen?”

The worst, Chanyeol thinks, the worst is that Kyungsoo will reject him and all his dreams of having him on his lap will have been shot to hell.

Chanyeol is standing in front of the drink section of some convenience store thinking about what could possible go wrong. His ears perk as someone coughs behind him.

He shuffles over, bowing his head in apology. Except the person in front of him isn’t a stranger but--

Do Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo is wearing a comfy looking t-shirt and some sweats. Chanyeol thinks he’s going to faint. To see, Kyungsoo in his natural element, how could he have gotten so lucky?

There’s a small smile on Kyungsoo’s face he greets him, “Hi Thirsty.”


“Ah,” Kyungsoo laughs softly, looking down at the floor. “It’s a joke. Well sort of. From last time,” he says, looking up at him.

Oh. “Oh,” he mumbles, face growing hot. He’d been trying to forget about that all weekend. That situation never happened as long as he’s concerned.

Kyungsoo chuckles softly and points to the ramen in Chanyeol’s basket.

“Eating in today?” Kyungsoo’s voice is low and smooth. It warms Chanyeol like no cup of noodles ever could.

“Yeah, can’t really cook much else.”

Kyungsoo hums, then gets a drink from one the coolers. “Well then, enjoy your noodles. See you around, Chanyeol.” He waves. Chanyeol watches him go with, what he is sure, a disgusting love-sick look on his face.

Chanyeol grins, patting his stomach. “Thank you for growling and making me come here, buddy,” he coos.

Ever since their random meeting at the convenience store, Chanyeol has gained some confidence in his skills of trying to pick up Kyungsoo.

“Look, Jongdae I can’t explain it to you. we just clicked y’know? I felt something, he felt something, we’re going places.”

“Chanyeol, my dear friend, I’m only saying this because I love you. I think you’re being delusional.”

Chanyeol brought his hand up dramatically to his chest, above his heart. “Dramatic? Me? Jongdae you wound me.”

Jongdae rolls his eyes and continues copying his English homework while Chanyeol contemplates his next step at wooing Kyungsoo. It’s right at that moment that he spots Kyungsoo walking around the library. No time better than the present, he decides, fate is on his side.

“Be right back,” Chanyeol mumbles.

Chanyeol feels like a creep watching Kyungsoo walk around the shelves as he searches for a book. The smaller man runs long fingers over the spines of the books they pass with a look of fascination. Kyungsoo has some really nice hands. Chanyeol wonders what they’d feel like wrapped around his co--


Shit. He’d stopped paying attention to where he was going and is now standing directly in front of Kyungsoo, who has a very very sexy brow raised up at him.

“Howdy.” Please god, Chanyeol thinks, let the ground swallow me whole.

Kyungsoo smirks up at him, “Howdy,” he laughs.

“What are you doing here this fine evening?” Chanyeol questions, examining the books behind them. “Studying up on something?”

“More like someone,” Kyungsoo says, holding up a book on some dude Chanyeol thinks was mentioned in his high school history class.

“Interesting.”As loud as he is, Chanyeol has never been gifted at making conversion. It’s probably only been five seconds of silence but he feels it crushing him, beating him to a pulp on the ground and telling him Kyungsoo has no interest in boring men.

“Do you want to sit with me?” He almost shouts. Kyungsoo seems a bit taken aback but nods nonetheless.

Chanyeol grins and leads him through the library, attempting to make small talk. He notices Kyungsoo smirk-smiles a lot at him. It makes something hot coil at the bottom of his stomach. He wonders if Kyungsoo purposely does this, riling him up.

Jongdae is still copying his English assignment when they arrive.

“Shouldn’t you be doing your own work,” Kyungsoo asks, scrunching his nose in distaste as he sits.

“Shouldn’t you --“Jongdae mimics before looking up, eyes widening. “Uh, hello Assistant Do,” he coughs, trying to hide Chanyeol’s homework under a folder.

“You might as well just finish copying Chanyeol’s terrible homework. I’ll give both of you bad marks for the mediocre work.” Kyungsoo smirks.

“Hey!” Chanyeol splutters. “My homework isn’t mediocre its top class! Worth two A’s, TWO!”

“You keep telling yourself that.”

They lounge around, Jongdae copying his homework, Kyungsoo reading up on his dude, and Chanyeol staring at Kyungsoo. After a while Jongdae leaves, throwing Chanyeol’s homework back at him and giving them a wink before making his exit.

“I’m sorry, he’s a bit,” Chanyeol stumbles through his words, trying to find the perfect one to describe his best friend.

“It’s fine.” Kyungsoo winks. “I was kind of waiting for him to leave.”

Chanyeol gasps, intaking so much air he chokes on his spit and has a coughing fit. It’s embarrassing, so embarrassing, but how could one not freak out when Do Kyungsoo just winked at you?

“Uh, what?” He asks, after said coughing fit.

Kyungsoo is now full on smirking at him. Chanyeol can feel his cheeks burning red from his stare.

“You like me, right?” Kyungsoo questions, scooting closer to him.

“Y-yes,” Chanyeol stutters as Kyungsoo puts a hand on his thigh, sliding it up and down slowly. Chanyeol can feel the heat of it through his jeans.

Kyungsoo gives Chanyeol another one of his teasing smirks. Kyungsoo stands then leans down to whisper in his ear, “See you in class, Park-ssi.”

Chanyeol is having a meltdown. There is a possibility, a very large possibility that the apple of his eyes, the future jelly to his peanut butter MIGHT LIKE HIM!

“Jongdae! What do I do!” Chanyeol yells, failing around his bed. He can’t stop thinking about Kyungsoo’s hand on his thigh, about Kyungsoo’s warm breath when he whispered in his ear. Really, he can’t stop thinking about Kyungsoo.

Jongdae pointedly ignores him and continues playing on his DS.

“You’re a shit best friend, you know that?”

Said best friend groans and puts his DS down as if doing so causes him physical pain.

“My dear dobby, do as your heart desires. Kyungsoo obviously digs you from what you’ve told me. Just, go with it.”

Chanyeol decides to totally go for it while waiting for Kyungsoo to get out of his class. How does Chanyeol know Kyungsoo’s schedule? Well thats a long story that involves a very creepy freshman by the name of Oh Sehun, but theres no time for that right now.

Right now, Chanyeol has a final mission to complete.

Mission: Ask Kyungsoo Out, Maybe Kiss Him Afterwards.

The bell rings across the school, signaling the end of class. Chanyeol wipes his sweaty hands on his pants for what seems to be the hundredth time and takes a deep breathe. Calm down Park. You can do this! You’re tall and your mom thinks you’re handsome, GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!

Chanyeol waits till most of the students are done walking out of the classroom before poking his head in. Kyungsoo is near the front of the class, putting his things away. Of course hes almost the last one out, so diligent his little Kyungsoo.

Chanyeol sends a mental peace sign to the Big Guy upstairs when he notices the classroom is empty. He really doesn’t need a crowd.

He coughs.

“Oh,” Kyungsoo jumps, startled.

Chanyeol puts his hands up. “Hi, wow sorry didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Ah, no its fine,” Kyungsoo grins. “What brings you towards this side of school?”

Chanyeol swallows, throat dry. “You.”

The grin on Kyungsoo’s face widens, “I’ve been waiting to hear that. You know, Chanyeol for someone as handsome as you, you’re quite shy.”

Chanyeol gurgles, “You think I’m handsome?”

“I thought I made that known to you at the library.” Kyungsoo says, setting his backpack down and walking towards him, backing Chanyeol up towards the rows of desks.

Chanyeol feels his butt hit the edge of a desk, and sits down. Kyungsoo stops at his knees and taps them till Chanyeol opens his legs, letting the other fit in between his thighs.

Chanyeol doesn’t know how he hasn’t melted into a puddle of goop on the floor right now. He can feel the blood rushing up his face, he probably looks time a tomato right now.

“I like you,” Kyungsoo whispers, like its a secret, lips forming a perfect heart as he looks up at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol feels the butterflies in his stomach fluttering wildly. “I like you too,” he beams, leaning down to mold his lips against Kyungsoo’s soft ones in a sweet kiss.

Mission accomplished.

chansoo, pg13

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