Jun 27, 2005 22:45
Its odd that people can say that love is something they can't afford. Love has been misconcieved as something to purchased, its no longer a feeling. Love has become a trinket given to your significant other to passify them for the next year or more. The meaning of love has been dragged through the mud and tarnished through the generations, but in turn it is not lost its waiting to be found so that it may once again bring happiness to those who realize that love isn't something you buy, love is the warm feeling you get when your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend enter the room. Love is the soothing smile that you give to one another to brighten each others day. Its the feeling you get when you gaze into your lovers eyes and realixe you never want to let them go for anything in the world. Love is holding on to that one special person no matter what and willing to give your life so your significant other will be safe.
Love is many things, but you can't buy it, you can't steel it, all you can do is feel it and embrace it because in the end love is truely the only thing that makes us and drives us