Drove downtown in the rain, 9:30 on a Tuesday night

Jan 22, 2009 00:59

...just to check out the late-night record shop. In the words of the Barenaked Ladies. ♥ I've been listening to a bizarre combination of the Barenaked Ladies, Erasure, Within Temptation, and Eyeshine. It's probably not the most tasteful way I could combine my music, but hey, it's my music and it's not like I go around blasting it at people; I'm not one of the people who thinks my iPod needs to be at a volume for the rest of the room to appreciate it along with me. As much as I love Cody, he tends to do that and when I hear the blare of music in someone else's ears echoing through a quiet room, it puts me on edge and makes me want to grind my teeth to sharp, cruel points and dig them into someone's jaw. Not neck - jaw and cheek. Try covering that up! No, I would not do that to Cody. He's my friend. But I want to do it to other people...I just want to turn his iPod down, and if somebody says something to him, he does. It's the strangers I don't know how to approach about it who bother me. I mean, I don't force you to listen to a repeat of Storm in a Teacup - by Erasure or by the Chili Peppers, either version; they're both good - so come on, man. Don't make me listen to one more My Chemical Romance song or whatever the hell it is you're listening to. (I'm using MCR as an example because I can't stand them.)

I went back to school yesterday, but it was just the one class and we watched President Obama's inauguration speech after the professor went over the silly bus syllabus. Today was more intense - physics lab, Education 201, and Japanese class, the most classes I'll have in one day this semester - and even then, it was totally doable. I just got hungry by the end of it. I'll have to make sure I bring food. There's no way I'm eating before I leave the house - I hate eating breakfast most of the time and besides, I don't have the time. I got to school on time today, but I was late yesterday thanks to the hideous situation that is parking at Boise State. It's like trying to park for the inauguration...every fucking day. Fuck that.

I'm glad that my physics class doesn't have a required textbook. Instead, we have an activity manual we're supposed to fill out for lab assignments and class assignments, and the textbook is optional. I'd love to get the book, but I don't have the kind of money required to shell out for such a thing... Anyway, my Education class more than makes up for the lack of textbook in physics because we have four assigned books in that class on top of readings that will be copied for us or provided to us to copy ourselves. Of all my classes, that one will probably require the most actual effort on my part, unless Japanese keeps up the way it was today. We're working on honorific conjugation and it's truly heinous. It's not hard to keep straight once I get it in my head, but getting it in my head? Ai-ya, I don't know. We already have a quiz scheduled for Friday, but I'm sure I'll be able to take it down. I just need to keep the differences between irregular honorific verbs and standard honorific verbs straight, and I'll do fine; I don't want to make an ass of myself in conversation lab that morning, though. Poo. We're required to attend conversation labs thirteen of fifteen weeks this semester, so I'm like, "Shiiiit." I don't dislike conversation lab, but I'm pretty shy at school - I know it sounds hard to believe, if you know me and you're my friend, because I don't act that way with you, but I'm very introverted around strangers and I feel terribly awkward with them - and I don't like being forced out of my shell. It's part of what makes my Education class a little daunting. That, plus my Education professor is very, very attractive, which is intimidating, too.

Zelly is an Austrian nobleman, commissioning a symphony in C which defies all earthly descriptions. Not really, but that song's been in my head all night and I bastardized it so that I say, "To her kitty she can give it as a present, / This magnificent symphony in C," and, "Though no one in the hall is even rainbow / They are obsessed with being really straight / Although Zell's gay, she's the one we hate." (We have an ongoing joke between us about who's gayer, Zell or me. Currently, I am the number one queer in this house and probably in this town, though that's a little debatable. I mean, Seify's boobs are great and all... [now's when I get cut off])

I did my hundred crunches for the last three nights and I can feel the little pull at the sides of my stomach that says it's working. Keep doing this every day till March 12, and I'll be good. It doesn't hardly take even five minutes to do a hundred crunches, even if I move really slowly. It doesn't take even thirty seconds to do twenty-five sit-ups, which is my other requirement of myself for daily exercise and stretching. I do the crunches, then the sit-ups, and these last three days, I've figured out that I can do leg lefts while I read fanfiction if I position the laptop correctly. So it's like, why not? I do the pilates thing where I hold my leg steady, level with my hip so it's slightly off the ground, then do the lifts, then pause in between every ten. It's brutal by the fortieth lift and all I want to do is drop my leg like a ton of lead into the ground and storm off. But I don't. I will not. I'm gonna get in shape for this Atoli thing! I'll do it. I will.

I need to go to bed. I have physics at nine fifteen and for that, I have to get up at seven thirty or seven forty-five at the absolute latest. It's sick, but at least it means that usually, I'll be in bed and asleep an hour before now. I guess this semester will force me to change my sleeping habits! ^^6

"Education...is a process of living and not a preparation for future living."

add instructor trepe to the list, it's a trap

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