My Baby's 16!

May 04, 2006 18:01

16 years ago today......

I was having a scheduled C-section, because Brian couldn't get leave from the advance course at Ft Knox. And I had been too too very pregnant to make it from Columbia to Kentucky. We had gotten a doctor to sign a waiver allowing me to fly from Germany to SC in March, but 30 days later when he had to report for the course, I was too too far gone to go along. SO come May 4th, we needed to have the baby on a Friday.

My Father in Law was in charge. As an anesthetist, it was all in his hands to choose the right doctors, etc. We were treated like family in the hospital. It was a very very happy occasion. I won't bore you with all the details, as exciting and at times frightening as they were. The point is, I was awake and overjoyed at the birth of my second son. We did not find out in advance. We had chosen two names, Alison Page or Shaun Michael. When the baby was pulled from my belly, Brian announced: "Shelly, it's Shaun. You are going to be surrounded by men for the rest of your life."

I wouldn't have had it any other way.

He has always been incredibly gorgeous. He was very laid back as a baby. My mother was worried, because he was in no hurry to sit up. He never crawled. He rolled from one place to another. And he used signed language before he spoke any words. He never really babbled. He made exorcist (sp?) noises. Then suddenly began talking in whole paragraphs. Or so it seems. It could have been we missed anything before the paragraphs, because Patrick was doing all the talking back then. He had a really deep voice. weird fears, and funky moods. But most of the time he was smiling, and charming everyone who came near.

He has been making me profoundly happy and simultaneously breaking my heart ever since.

On another subject,
Traci had good news today. From her carepage; TraciCooke:
"More good news! My blood platelet went up to 128. Again, that means white cells and bone marrow will be up around 3 days we hope so." She will have to have a bone marrow transplant. But she will get to go home
soon and spend time with her boys before she gets the next round....
She is remarkable.

Life is remarkable.
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