Apr 20, 2006 21:16
God doesn't give us more than we can handle?
I'm back to asking why.
Why is Traci's Dad now admitted to the hospital, too?
Warren was admitted for Chest pains midnight last night.
Traci's Mom hasn't left her side for more than 30 minutes since 4/10 and now her husband is the patient, too.
This is a family that could use a break.
Traci's CAT scan shows a colon infection, and she's gotten two units blood + platelets everyday. Platelets were up to 63 today, that's good, but she's still losing blood. Why?
I think she got the video phone today. Hope she gets to talk to her boys. A sixth month hospital stay is bad enough. Let her see and communicate - in her language - with her sons. That should not be too much to ask.