Jun 07, 2005 08:16
OK this experiment won't work, if I never come back to the site. The boys came home yesterday from a weekend away together. Hubby and I had a wonderful weekend alone, working in the yard side by side, paddling around the lake, partying with friends and celebrating each other in our favorite way! If this is what empty nesting is about OK sign me up!!!! In the West Point Parent's Club notebook there's a note about re-entry stress. I remember it from my husband's returning from extended field exercises. You get used to having your space, your time, your less complicated life quickly. Then they have to fit back in working out the boundaries all over again. Maybe that distance makes the heart grow fonder thing has something to do with the phenomenon. selective memory. Anyway, I know this transition will not be too bad after all. And as far as 40, come on, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.......