Aug 02, 2008 00:21
So, I hate New York sometimes. When I can't find work, when classes are too fucking hard, when the subway is 120 degrees, New York City is a miserable place.
When I run into college friends on the subway
when the moon shines red over the east village
when the air conditioning runoff rains on my neck
I forget about the muggers on 125th street. Then
I'm ass-deep in toddlers on the 1 train,
eating a honeydew melon to keep cool,
waiting for the crosstown bus, running
a pointless errand to feed the moon
another quarter, so I might have a little light
on the long way home from Lenox Avenue.
And man-oh-man! Can you deny a hot dog stand?
I <3 NY
hello world,
i am awake