Changing the destination

Oct 16, 2010 14:24

I was feeling... well, not my best, really. I was beginning to forget the life of a party, so to speak. That's what relationships do. They kill off everything else. Once you settle down, there's no escape from it, even if you tell yourself there is. Delusions, all that, pointless, stupid delusions. Hell, I don't want to feel old and wallow in the past.
So I look in the mirror and I remember that I'm going to turn 25 in a few months; so what? It's not a fucking death sentence, and who says I have to grow up at all? Who says I have to be responsible and act like an adult? Age is so fucking relative!
I've been slowly losing my life. I want it all back. I want to be a big fish in even bigger pond; otherwise, what was all that breaking away from routine for?
Sure I've had something, lots of things, but who says you can't have it all? I used to be a stranger among strangers, king of the bloody world; I never sat in the dark, pining. I've become too much of a person, too little of an image.
Friday nights are for fixing things, right? ;) As a friend of mine likes to say, when in doubt - shag. And I've never been good; I've been fantastic.
So maybe that's right: building means walls. I don't need any walls. I don't need any shells. I don't want constraints, I'm a hurricane, a spirit of freedom, denying loneliness and defying the fucking laws of gravity.
Take it or leave it.

i am one

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