
Oct 03, 2010 05:39

Days are getting colder. Yours truly is getting lazier.
Saw Room in Rome. It was ok, but I kind of wished Greg'd been with me. He'd love it, all capitals, as in LOVE! A perfect wanking material.
The weather in London doesn't seem to be radically different from what we have here. Dance Umbrella begins in a couple of days. I feel constrained, what with the papers for the kitten and tickets and all. Check your bags, people, always check your bags!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLzrjvo0kUg My current mood. (No, not the tv-series, the song.) Actually the tv-series looks like something Cassidy would watch. I'm making an aweful lot of ASSumptions about people lately.
The worst thing you can do to a person you care about is be clingy. Unless you're a kitten. Then it's ok.

mood, i am one, films

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