
Oct 03, 2010 05:39

Days are getting colder. Yours truly is getting lazier.
Saw Room in Rome. It was ok, but I kind of wished Greg'd been with me. He'd love it, all capitals, as in LOVE! A perfect wanking material.The weather in London doesn't seem to be radically different from what we have here. Dance Umbrella begins in a couple of days. I feel constrained, what ( Read more... )

mood, i am one, films

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helike October 3 2010, 09:48:05 UTC
Winter coming quickly? ;P

I love that song, but I've never heard the piano version until now. Awesome *__*

My ex thought that being clingy was the best form of expressing his feelings >.> I felt caged. Especially when he wanted me to be clingy. No wonder we broke up, huh? ^^;


dune_master October 3 2010, 09:55:47 UTC
No, not yet. Just autumn. ;)

Me neither, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover it. :) There are a lot of interesting piano and string versions of famous songs there, but unfortunately a lot of them are lacking in sound quality.

That's not something I'd bear with. No wonder indeed.


helike October 3 2010, 10:00:46 UTC
Autumn for now only :P Soon winter will come anyway :P

Then I should dig more there :3 I love instrumental music in general.

You can easily say that I can't bear with that as well ^^; The only bad part here is that it has always upset my parents as I came across as a rather... er... cold. *hates hugging IRL*
So, can I hope that there are more guys that don't like being clingy stuff? ^^;


dune_master October 3 2010, 10:06:04 UTC
Hello, Captain Obvious, how have you been? ;)

Definitely. The String Quartet covers are especially awesome.

Plenty of guys don't like it. ;) Then again, plenty of guys have a stereotyped image of a woman in their heads and believe that a girlfriend should be somewhat clingy. Personally I find it entertaining. A friend of mine (the one that's mentioned in this entry, Greg) claims to dislike clingy women but if they don't actually cling, he grows worried about their "lack of emotions and interest" in him. XPP


helike October 3 2010, 10:10:50 UTC
Captain Obvious is currently trying to retrieve the brain :P

Ha, I should remember the name in that case :3 Thanks :)

I hate stereotypes >.>; Especially when I'm forced to behave according to them. And LOL@Greg. Just as if not being clingy equals to lack of emotion and interest >.>; There are other ways to show feelings, really. I had to deal with this argument in the past, so... >.> We should destroy all the stereotypes.


dune_master October 3 2010, 10:28:52 UTC
How's it going? Any success? ;)

You're welcome.

Greg is a bit of a stereotype himself. The macho one. So he's allowed to think like that. XPP The best part is that he's completely honest in these statements. He really doesn't understand these *other* ways to show emotions.


helike October 3 2010, 11:35:23 UTC
Not quite, but I blame antibiotics ^^;

Macho stereotypes are the best ^^;
From what I noticed even men who claim to understand other ways of showing emotions don't always understand them in fact ^^; Crazy world. But the same would go for women, to be honest.


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