
Jul 25, 2010 21:00

Sod's Law is a brilliant thing. Since my sound card went boom right before I was going to watch the live transmission of SenBasa, I pretty much missed the entire first half and managed to understand very little of the second half. So I went to Milly's, hoping to watch the uploaded raw version there. Well, whaddya think? Her PC broke down. ( Read more... )

fan rant, i am one, kono kojuurou, idioteque

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Comments 8

helike July 25 2010, 17:52:35 UTC
I can see the Murphy's Law in action >.>;;
Maybe you'd like "The Blade of Immortal" (aka Mugen no Juunin"), too? Not quite a samurai story, but quite good.


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:03:45 UTC
I'm just lucky today. ;)

I know that one. It's good, right.


helike July 25 2010, 18:06:24 UTC
I'd say very lucky ^^;

Well... Was worth trying to suggest :P But anime wasn't as good as manga >.> With one exception. Anotsu Kagehisa with voice is even better than Anotsu Kagehisa in manga.


istne_pieklo July 25 2010, 18:52:17 UTC
Dude, your aura is breaking things! Stay away from my Masamune!
That library looks cool! And LOL, I read about that novel by Endou. It has to do with Mexico, it seems. The guy seems to be a fan of such countries - Silence has a priest from Portugal))) Thanks for the link anyhow!))


dune_master July 25 2010, 18:58:32 UTC
I'm hurt! You hurt my feelings! *pets feelings*

You're welcome.

Yes, well, the guy was so Catholic it hurt. XPP


istne_pieklo July 25 2010, 19:08:14 UTC
*pokes your feeling* You gaaaaiz! Don't die on me!
LOL, yeah, Wiki mentions it like it's so cool)))
Btw check out my new Hanna icon! I'm so bored; can you tell? XDDD


dune_master July 25 2010, 19:14:44 UTC
Too late! My feelings are so hurt it hurts! o_T

It is cool because he sort of tried to stick his religious ideas in all of his books. XPP What they find so cool is that the religion was Catholicism. Kind of rare there.

I need to give that comic a try. The scene looks cute.


(The comment has been removed)

dune_master July 26 2010, 08:35:12 UTC
I don't really hate her per se. I find her voice incredibly sleep-inducing, though. It's like if you feel the need to go to bed, just put Oichi on and you're guaranteed to fall asleep instantly.

I'm glad you think so. I can't tear myself away from that site. XPP


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