I was under the impression Byakuran was erased from history. I remember my friend and I discussing what a terrible fate it was for your existence to simply end. However, when I purchased volume 30, Amano drew those three extra pages. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Was this Byakuran in some other dimension? The afterlife? If this is the living world, how he is not erased? Did the Arcobaleno fuck up? What was he doing on a beach? Who were those guys? What was that ankle bracelet? I couldn't really understand.
Byakuran differed from the other enemies Tsuna faced, i.e. Mukuro and Xanxus. Although they did not necessarily join him, Tsuna was able to at least finish the situation without anyone dying and the enemy somewhat reformed. Byakuran was simply killed. And Tsuna didn't seem to give a shit about that. The conclusion to the Future arc just didn't sit well with me, and I wondered if Amano could've ended it differently.
I totally crapped my pants at the end of 313. Even if I believed the future arc wasn't handled well, I did not expect this. Seriously, I'm on the edge of my seat here for this week's chapter.