Life is a changing alot

Aug 05, 2009 10:42

As of August 22nd, I will be unemployed. I have held project positions at the University for the past four years and I can not be renewed any more. Add to that some serious hiring freezes and I am out of luck.

I am trying to be positive about the whole situation which is admittedly odd for me. The girls will be starting middle school this year and being at home might end up being a good thing. There will be way more homework than ever before. There will be twice the amount of students on top of that. To prepare, we have canceled swim lessons until homework is not as much of a surprise. They don't actually NEED the lessons any more since they swim better than some fish, but they enjoy it and it is good exercise. That will be restarted around Christmas.

I will go on unemployment and Badger Care. I'll also take anything else anyone wants to offer me. Free lunch and breakfast at the school will help with grocery bills. Plus the girls hate eating when they get up in the morning so this will solve the problem of me being a rotten mother who never feeds them breakfast before school. thecoddess suggested I take food stamps if they offer them to me even if I find it embarrassing. After using WIC for formula (the kids went through $200 of formula a month), I don't think I will be.

A couple of my meds won't be covered by Badger Care, but once again thanks to thecoddess, I found out I may be eligible for assistance from the companies directly.

I have applied for many good and bad jobs. Taken all the state and city exams that applied to me. With 10% unemployment in the US, is anyone surprised I'm having no luck finding something? Case in point, my current job had 5 internal transfer applications for it. No one EVER wants this position. High turn over. Low pay. High annoyance level. High boredom.

The girls are being great about cutting down expenses. If we go to a movie, we go to the first showing that is only $5. Still plays the same. Since we have a Roku, we now only get one dvd at a time from Netflix. They haven't noticed. I got rid of premium movie channels as well. I can easily get the shows I like from them from Netflix and I am horribly behind on tv watching anyways. The kids haven't noticed. They have enough video games to last them a long while or forever. They love using coupons for stuff since they were taught well.

There are no worries about us becoming homeless since Pop wouldn't let it happen. My truck is paid off. I might have to give up comics, but I have cut the cost a lot, so we will see. My book buying habit has decreased dramatically over the past couple of years. Just no more room in the house. I even plan on doing a significant weed in coming weeks. I will post here for those who would like to call dibs on some.

I will reopen my ebay store, Buy My Foolishness, since I will have time to devote to it. Give the house a good cleaning and weeding. Do something about the yard. Don't ask you don't want to know. Take swim lessons so my doctor is happier with me. Get caught up on reading. Do Wii Fit.

All in all this may end up a good thing.

life, work

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