July 4th

Jul 06, 2009 15:39

I am beyond tired of holidays where the only thing is done is you meet up with the same group of people to have a meal. The only way to tell the difference between holiday is to look at what is being served. Blech.

Therefore, the children and I celebrated the 4th by learning about our state's history at Old World Wisconsin. They had a parade, old time speeches, greased pole climbing, and cannons shooting off.

I petted an ox, sheep, and calf. We played old children's games and heard great stories. I got very snap happy. There pictures are here. The kids are in color and the exhibits are in black and white.

It was a great way to spend the day and not too expensive. The kids still qualified as kids for pricing ($9 per kid) and I was $16. They allow you to bring in food if you wish, so we brought in sandwiches. We did buy two bottles of water and four cookies. The cookies were fabulous! The water was cold.

There is a tram, but the day required a lot of walking. How the people wearing flip flops were still able to stand is beyond me. Military grade bug spray is mandatory. We sprayed ourselves heavily twice and are still covered in bug bites. Sunscreen depending on the weather. My shoulder got a td bit burned. There are real bathrooms there and pit ones if you want that old time feel.

We covered about 85% of the park. Since it is only 76 miles away, we will go back another time. Maybe in Fall to watch the harvest. I really like doing close to home trips. We left the park an hour before closing (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and were tired, hungry, and smelly.

I did not get lost in either direction. So there!

kids, trip

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