
Sep 05, 2013 00:16

bass down low;;
sehun/baekhyun // 434 words / nc-17 / smut
warning: grammar errors
→ they meet at a club.

a/n: i don't even ship this.

sehun’s still confused, because like ten minutes ago he was still out there on the dance floor, moving to the pounding bass, dancing with this cute and good looking guy until said guy grinned at him like a cheshire cat and started to whisper really dirty things into his ear, before dragging him to the bathroom.

and yeah, now he’s in one of those absolutely gross bathroom stalls and this boy he danced with is in front of him and on his knees and currently sucking him off. yeah, he don’t know what happened but he’s about to lose his ability to think, because everything is wet and hot and sehun wishes the hotness surrounding him wasn’t just the guy’s mouth.

a low moan escapes his throat when the other licks a stripe up his length and he does his best not to thrust into his mouth, so he grips strands of brown hair instead and tugs and pulls and earns a groan from the other.

sehun tries hard to think about the guy’s name, because he knows they exchanged their names before, somewhere along dancing and grinding their hips together, but he just can’t remember.

he opens his eyes again and looks down, thinking he comes right on the spot when he sees the other’s face, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks and those pretty, small lips perfectly stretched around his cock.

he looks really fucking good like that and sehun moans at the sight, throwing his head back. his body is shaking at the sensation when the guy flicks his tongue over the head of his cock.

“fuck, I’m-“, he can’t really warn him before he comes, but the other swallows everything.

at first it’s hard for sehun to hold himself up against the cool wall, because his legs are still trembling from his release and he barely notices how the other guy is wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he pulls his other hand out of his own pants, grimacing at the come covering it.

the guy looks up and smirks, before getting up and unlocking the stall.

sehun gapes and quickly pulls his pants up again and watches the other as he bends over the sink, rinsing his mouth.

“what’s your name again?”, he asks then, because he really wants to know.

the boy doesn’t answer him right away, taking his time with drying his mouth with a paper towel. he looks at sehun and makes a move with his hand to follow him when he’s standing at the door leading back to the club.


close your eyes;;
sehun/jongdae // 572 words / pg-13 / romance
warnings: grammar errors; drug use
→ sehun invites jongdae over, but not without a reason behind it.

a/n: i don't ship this as well.

he silently watches the other taking his shoes off.

“uhm, do you want something to drink?”, he asks.

jongdae looks up and shakes his head, before grabbing his backpack. “nah, i’m fine”, he says and already makes his way up to sehun’s room, but sehun goes into the kitchen to grab something anyways.

he loads the bottle of coke and two bags of chips onto his arms and also carries two glasses into his room.

jongdae sits cross-legged on his bed, tongue peeking out of his mouth as he concentrates on rolling a joint. sehun shakes his head lightly, because he didn’t even wait five minutes and places the stuff in the middle of the bed, then grabs the ashtray from his desk, placing it in front of the other.

he looks through jongdae’s backpack for the movie they wanted to watch, puts it into the recorder and flops down on next to jongdae after opening the window. when he notices that he sits too close to him, he shifts away a bit, because he can feel himself getting nervous already.

it’s too early to get nervous.

sehun wants to slap himself across the face, because inviting jongdae was a bad idea, being alone with jongdae was a really bad idea. planning this whole thing about confessing was more than a bad idea.

“sehun? hey, sehun!”

jongdae waves his hand in front of sehun’s face and he flinches because too close.


jongdae looks at him for a while, closing the distance more and more and a little more and sehun swallows hard as he stares back at him.

but then he just presses the joint into his hands. “here you go.”

“oh, yeah”, sehun mumbles and inhales the smoke, before passing the joint back to the other.

he tries to concentrate on the movie, or more on anything that isn’t jongdae, because he still needs to think about a way how to confess to him. because okay, he planned the entire thing about inviting him over and loosen himself up a bit with smoking something, so he won’t back out of this again, but he didn’t think a second about how he’ll confess and how he’ll tell him that he has a crush on him since like ever.

or more like since the time luhan’s friend yixing introduced them to each other a year ago, because sehun needed someone to get him some weed and it’s strange how a friendship evolved out of this strange start, but it’s easy to fall for jongdae’s dumb sounding laugh and his cheeky smiles and-

“earth to sehun!”

sehun shakes his head a little bit, trying to get himself out of his thoughts although he feels kinda dizzy. “huh?”

“you keep staring at me. what is it?”, jongdae asks and sehun blinks at first and stares at him, then leans closer, like the other did before and he can’t tear his eyes away from those inviting looking lips.

yeah, he really wants to kiss those lips.

jongdae’s eyes widen a little when he realizes what sehun’s going to do, but suddenly sehun leans forward so much that he loses his balance and plants his face right into the mattress.

he quickly sits up again, but jongdae’s already cracking up and laughing at him. sehun rubs his nose and pouts.

“you’re so lame, oh my god”, he says breathless and pats sehun’s cheek, “maybe next time.”

for blue (blue) skies;;
chanyeol/sehun // 525 words / pg / angst; romance
warning: grammar errors
→ sehun's waiting for news.

a/n: cliiiick; for zeropercent, bc i kinda really like her and want to shower her in my love skjdhfsd

sehun doesn’t know since when he’s in this room. he’s completely lost his track of time and his phone fell out of the pocket of his jacket and got probably destroyed during the accident. not that he cares, really, his phone is one of those things he cares least about.

somewhere in the waiting room should be a clock on one of the dull white walls, but to be honest, he doesn’t really want to know the time. he doesn’t want to know how long he’s been waiting, how long his beloved is already in the operating room.

he’s scared.

he’s really fucking scared.

even when the warning came over the speakers, when the people in the train fell out of their seats due to the impact and when they were screaming in fear and pain, sehun wasn’t as scared as he’s right now.

because maybe he’ll lose chanyeol. maybe he’ll never be able to see his smile again and his frown and his other dumb faces and everything that is park chanyeol.

he’s not ready for this. he’s not ready to lose chanyeol.

he can’t lose him.

and sehun thinks he should feel guilty, because there are so many other hurt people, people that need treatment as well and he can still hear them yelling around, he can hear some children crying in the hallway.

there are so many people next to him, with him, in the waiting room for the same reason, waiting for news and all he does is staring at his hands, at the bandages tightly wrung around them and selfishly thinking about how much he wishes that chanyeol doesn’t die like so many other passengers in the train.

they all look up when a nurse steps into the room, clipboard in hands.

they all have this glint in their eyes, this hope that they are the person the nurse is looking for, they want to know and sehun knows he looks exactly the same as them.

“oh sehun?”

he flinches and the tension doesn’t leave his body, it gets even worse because he doesn’t know what she’ll tell him.

sehun nods and slowly gets up from his seat, walks towards the woman and looks at her with impatient, nervous eyes.

please. please. please.

“park chanyeol will get through it, you can go and see him now”, she says with a slight smile on her lips and sehun almost collapses in front of her as relief suddenly washes over him.

she leads him through the busy corridors and stops in front of a room, opens the door and sehun immediately rushes in, hurries to the bed next to the window.

chanyeol’s lying in there, covered in bruises and bandages and an oxygen mask is placed over his mouth and he’s a bit fucked up, but breathing and alive.

sehun almost trips into the bed and grabs chanyeol’s pale hand, presses it into his face as the tears stream down his face.

he’s alive, he’s alive, he’s alive.

he looks at chanyeol’s sleeping form through blurry eyes and places quick kisses at the back of his hand.

“i’m so glad”, he whispers.

say goodnight (and go);;
tao/sehun // 477 words / pg-13 / romance
warning: grammar errors
→ tao walks sehun home after a date.

a/n: for ma baby gull breakfast

“this was the worst date i’ve ever had.”

zitao just chuckles instead of answering and sehun jabs him in the side, before he puffs his cheeks like small children always do when they’re sulking.

“just to remind you, you were the one that spilled sauce all over my shirt.”

“shut up”, sehun mumbles and he can already feel a blush crawling up his cheeks, dusting them in a bright red, so he looks away in an attempt to hide this from his boyfriend.

a comfortable silence settles between them as they walk as slow as possible and sehun steps closer to the other, bumping their shoulders together while grabbing his hand, linking their fingers together.

he catches a glimpse of zitao biting his bottom lip to suppress a sheepish smile and sehun feels himself doing the same, so he looks down at his worn out and dirty sneakers and squeezes their hands.

zitao squeezes in return.

when they reach sehun’s house, he feels quite upset, because the evening, their date was over way too fast and the thought of seeing him again the next day doesn’t really cheer him up.

it’s too long to wait and he’s still at this point where he doesn’t want their ways to part.

he takes out his keys and turns around to the other. “so, see you tomorrow evening?”

“yeah”, zitao nods, not looking happy as well, but a smile appears on his lips as he leans forward to kiss sehun.

sehun sighs at the gentle touch of lips and moves his mouth against the others, welcomes the way zitao licks into his mouth. his hands run down his sides and quickly slide into the back pockets of zitao’s pants, squeezing the flesh of his butt.

zitao gasps and pulls him closer, pulls their hips flush together.

all sehun wants to do is to rut against the others thigh, to create some friction, but then he remembers that they’re still outside in front of his house, for everyone to see and he breaks the kiss.

“are you sure that you don’t want to come up with me? to save this bad excuse of a date”, sehun breathes and smirks, presses his body a bit more against zitao’s.

“i have to work tomorrow”, is the answer and sehun pouts, but zitao shrugs with his 'i’m sorry i’d really like to go with you and fuck the hell out of you but i can’t’ - look.

sehun sighs and leans forward to kiss him.

“okay, then good night”, he says, then kisses him once more.

“yeah”, zitao manages to say, before they kiss again.

another kiss.

“good night.” and another one.

they smile and break away from each other and sehun can’t resist to quickly kiss his boyfriend on the cheek before he watches him making his way back to the bus station.

the ending;;
jongin/sehun // 538 words / pg / romance
warning: grammar errors
→ you and i, we both know that this has to end here.

a/n: still one of my favorite Nell songs

jongin’s still asleep.

and sehun’s already awake since hours and all he does is watching the other sleeping. he didn’t move a bit yet, lies still face to face with him and watches him.

jongin always looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping, he looks a couple of years younger than he is and sometimes he also looks kind of fragile.

sehun loves seeing him like this, when he looks so vulnerable, but still trusts sehun enough to let him see him this way. sehun loves memorizing his face, his soft and almost perfect features, the way his plush lips part when he’s dreaming something nice and how his thick eyelashes flutter a bit, heavy with sleep.

he doesn’t want to wake him up, but can’t resist running his fingers across the smooth, tanned flesh of his cheeks.

jongin has been out the entire night, just came home in the early morning hours and sehun didn’t notice him, was sound asleep, but it seems like he didn’t bother to shower before coming to bed, because sehun can still smell the faint scent of someone else’s cologne that lingers on his partners skin.

it’s nothing new to him, he already knows.

it’s also not the first time it happened.

suddenly jongin stirs, wakes up from his sleep and slowly opens his eyes, but sehun doesn’t take his hand away, traces the outline of his cheekbone.

jongin blinks at him, small, sleepy smile resting on his lips. “good morning”, he mumbles.

“good morning.”

they look at each other and sehun cups his cheek, brings them a bit closer together and they kiss, slow and sweet and gentle.

“do you love me?”, sehun asks after they part.

“i do”, jongin answers without hesitation.


but sehun knows he isn’t lying, he still loves sehun, but not enough to stop cheating on him, not enough to stop searching for something sehun seemingly can’t give.

jongin doesn’t say a word.

“it’s over, isn’t it?”

sehun looks at him, but jongin avoids his eyes, looks away.

“is there someone else?”

“no one in particular.”

it’s always the same, the same questions, the same answers. it’s almost like a morning routine, once every week or two.

sehun sits up, wants to get out of the bed, but the other grabs his wrist. “sehun-“, he says and looks at him with serious eyes, but there’s a hint of worry and fear and guilt badly hidden behind the seriousness.

“it’s fine, i’m okay”, sehun answers and wiggles his arm free, gets up.

in his mind he can already see himself getting ready, packing his bags and other stuff. he can see their relationship shatter into tiny little pieces. but instead of following the pictures in his mind he goes into the kitchen, switches on the coffee machine, like always.

jongin will follow him soon, they will drink coffee together and will have breakfast and they will ignore everything that happened in the bedroom before. sehun will talk himself into forgetting it and they will continue this relationship, like always.

they will kiss each other, touch each other, sleep next to each other and they will live together. they will not think about it until everything repeats next week.

pairing: sehun/baekhyun, pairing: sehun/jongdae, !fanfic, pairing: jongin/sehun, pairing: chanyeol/sehun, fandom: exo, pairing: tao/sehun

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