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[Captain] - Default title
[Voyager] - be level 20
[Pirate] - be level 40
[Viking] - be level 60
[Sea King] - be level 99
[Gadget Master] - learn all skills
[Kitchen King] - master all dishes
[First Officer] - win the "Around the Celestia" mini-game within 2'32"
[Sea Lover] - obtain the Van Eltia's last conversion
[Interior Decorator] - fill all four of the Van Eltia's cabins
Battle Artes:
Base Artes:
[Pow Hammer] - Chance to cause the Stun status ailment.
[Thievery] - Chance to steal an item from the targeted enemy.
[Toss Hammer] - Chance to cause the Poison status ailment.
Master Artes:
[Para Ball] - Chance to cause the Paralyze status ailment to any affected enemies.
Arcane Artes:
[Ice Hammer] - Chance to cause the Freeze status ailment.
[Eternal Hammer] - Hammers are thrown constantly at the enemy, Consumes TP at a constant rate until fully depleted, Attack ends when TP reaches zero.