SMI and Johnny Rocket's and HARRY POTTER and Audioslave and All-American Rejects

Jul 16, 2005 22:28

First off everyone go look at pictures from the Darkest Hour show like 2 weeks back - how hardcore am I?

So tonight we had our (first and final) quintet performance and it was awesome! I hit all my solos and high notes and I was really proud. I thought we did great and my parents said that the brass quintet was the most fun to listen to, probably because their daughter was in it but whatever, it was still pretty awesome. At the same time, though, it was sad - I'm really really really going to miss rehearsing with those guys all the time. Even though we spent a hell of a lot more time messing around that actually rehearsing it was always soooo much fun and I looked forward to it everyday. And now it's over:(. At least we still have a little over a week left for orchestra stuff so of course I'll be seeing them, still it's my quintet! No more penis jokes every morning! How will I survive?

They've all started calling me "Dikeis Kahn" or just "Dikeis" or "Kahn" or "the Kahn" - but ya know, it sounds ridiculous but it's become sort of affectionate for me. I mean the first day we all went out together to hang out in Georgetown I told them (jokingly) that I was a lesbian and from the next day, introduced by Alex, my new name was Dikeis. It's funny! Even though you might think it awful to be called that I think it's hilarious. Now they hardly call me Gennie, usually it's just Kahn. "Better watch out you'll be next to Kahn" or "hey Kahn pass the cards" things like that. I'm really going to miss them. We always have fun together just messing around or playing cards or telling jokes. You know I really love hanging out with a big group of guys - because it's like all penis jokes or sex jokes or lesbian jokes and I love it. Like, I always have fun with my girls, but sometimes I need to revert back to immense immaturity and at those points guys are way better.

I just got another webshots (shut up) and posted a bunch of the NSO Summer Music Institute pictures and they're AWESOME!

Oh - I almost forgot! I went to visit the exorcist stairs with 2 kids (one from Wyoming and one from Dallas) and it was SO cool because I had never been there before!

Oh and the day before I look Wyoming and South Dakota around Georgetown and into Johnny Rocket's for lunch (praying Teddy wouldn't be there) but of course he is and we both pretend the other isn't there. He hasn't called me since I got back from WorkCamp, which sends the sign that he's not interested and I was like "fine whatever other trolley cars in the sea" but then when I went again I remembed how CUTE he is in that Johnny Rocket's uniform and now I'm like "awwww why hasn't he called" and it was probably a really bad idea for me to ignore him, I should have said hi or at least smiled but I was worried he would think I was stalking him and I was freaked out and nervous. Of course me pretending NOT to see him is probably way worse but I wasn't thinking straight. DAMNIT. I'm a loser. WHY didn't I just say something? WHY doesn't he just call me. Poop.

And then seeing the dancing waiters at Johnny Rocket's the next night (see webshots) made me even more disappointed nothing happened. Bah. Boys suck, basically.

In other news - this week has been SUCH a week of firsts -

the first All-American Rejects album in a LONG ASS time (which I am listening to right now)

the first Harry Potter book in a LONG ASS time (which I went to get at midnight last night - yes I'm a loser but I saw Baker Prukima there so at least I'm not alone) basically everyone there was like 8 years old and I felt ridiculous but it was worth it - the book is good! Oh and while I was waiting for my number I listened to some random cds and came across Audioslave's Out of Exile and it was SO good I bought it and am loving it too. YAY!

And Justin is back in the US which makes me happy - maybe we can go to dinner (aka Dunkin Doughnuts) again.
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