Jun 27, 2007 15:28
So, for those of you who don't already know, I'm staying in Norwich for the next year. I'm going to be lodging indefinitely with a couple from church, have three days to move my stuff from one house to the other. And although this sounds like a long time, I also have to wrok Thursday to Saturday 9-6 adn currently, I'm not in the right county to do anything in the way of packing!! Ah.
My car passed it's MOT this morning, and should have passed it when I took it fro it's test last week in Norwich but the garage Itook it too, despite being excellent last year, I'm sure they decided to abuse the fact that I am a girl and failed it. GRRR. But my Dad looked at my car and he couldn't find anythign wrong with the things the Norwich garage failed it on. Another expensive car experience. Also I have realised how much I HATE driving around Aylesbury. It's just not nice. Norwich is so much better to drive around. I'm so glad I'm heading back there tonight :)
I've been told my classification for my degree is 2:2 but that doesn't tally with the coursework marks and the exam marks I've had from the last two years (averaging a solid 2:1) so I'm going to contest it when I get back because unless I really did appallingly in the exams I sat this year (which I don't think I did) then I'm going to request a remark.
In other news I am going travelling with Joyce around europe for two and a bit weeks in August/September. I am really looking forward to it :D It's somwething I've never done adn now seems like the perfect time to do it! Hurrah!