Work is a 4 letter word

Mar 04, 2008 23:03

It seems that anything that could go wrong, will go wrong for the past month and this month during our craziest cycle. My immediate superior was sick, my manager is being overwhelmed by certain parties *rolls eyes* and I was left making snap decisions when necessary and pretty much stepped up in the TL role. I did some employee couseling, which was pretty nifty. I solved the employee's problem, of which I am very happy about. I am glad that handling problems maturely within an organization works excessively well. Esp with the work that I do, I have to learn about people, supervisors and managers. Learning of people's characteristics makes my work smoother and tend to save my time.

Then there is one crazy HR issue that came up via H. When the issue was discovered, of course at the meeting that I had organized and excellently completed, I lost all appitite and started to worry. Being in my position sucks. You are literally in a hot seat where people can and some do want to make trouble for you. You are accountable for a lot of things and the sucky part is that the pay is relatively crap (note the relative part ;) I can't really complain). After sitting down with people and having a meeting, I breathed easy since it had nothing to do with me. The issue was from before I joined *whew*

Evaluations are around constantly hanging on my head. Frankly, I don't give a 5h17. I busted my ass the whole year. Stepped up for my superior for 2 odd months (all the while preparing for my wedding) while he was away, managing and signing my life away (or so SF likes to whimper when I bring papers for him to sign). I managed some of the expats and Vietnam (Vietnam = pain = language barrier) issues. I had consistently performed. Looking at my performance evaluation last year, I had to laugh some, I managed to finish my 1-3 years goal in a year. Go me! Except, there were that one hard decision that I had to make and I did it. Despite getting it wrong (we had tight deadline and SF vanished for the weekend already), I managed to do a rather nice damange control work.

Then of course there is last week when my superior was hospitalized since he had to undergo the surgery that Maz's husband had undergone. The problem is... he still on MC for the whole WEEK! Which would be fine on a sunny bright day, just not this week! We have our main April program being run this week! With the system being delayed (despite the timeline but I should have expected it as HQ doesn't take our deadlines seriously :P Bully! and the communication that I drafted and the manual/guide being adjusted, listing being populated, I am neck deep in this cycle and still having to do my routinal job.

I could have choked H today if I didn't realize that he didn't really have much of a choice but to check with me and make me lead the work for expats's recruitment. On one hand, I am running the April program, on the other I have my routinal job and on the other side of the door, are random things that could pop up on any given day, hour or minute. I got my back on the wall and I would like to beat L for giving me more grief. To his credit, he did offer to help me with the listing. But my manager is extra cautious and asked me to personally do it myself. *sighs*

Be careful of what you wished for cause it can come true *headdesk* I had told our HQ TL that I wanted to lead this year's April program and guess what? I am doing exectly that. I prepared the board papers, had it reviewed by Malaysia and HQ (awww... I feel so flattered that my hard work was presented to the management board), prepared the new scales, drafting letters/communication emails, preparing training module for managers, setting meetings for VP reviews, negotiating deadlines, generally stepping up to the plate and batting.

LOL. I am having a lot of fun despite all the frustrations and hard work. I feel proud when the job is well done and it has my stamp on it. Of course I am going to have a few days of insanity, maybe a few weeks but I am getting 1 month off for it! Heeeeeeeeee.... my reward for all this hard work is a honeymoon in Bangkok, thanks to Linda (you rock babe!) and a visit to my mother in law, back to back! Jetlag is so going to be crap XD

rl, vacation, work

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