I got me a new phone

Dec 29, 2006 09:55

Heheh, since Mary told us that she got herself a new phone, I might as well too XD

I didn't have any intention of getting a new phone, I am too broke to get one. However, my father wanted his phone back and returned to me my poor Samsung phone with one key on the keyboard missing. *pats the Samsung* So since he had returned my phone in such a poor condition, he had to get me new ones XD So the deal was, I pay 2/3rd of the cost and he pays 1/3rd. When I saw the pink phone... I cannot resist. Reasoning that I am not going to buy another phone for the next 3 years, I bargined it down and got stuff out of it.

I bought a new Sony Ericsson Z610i ^.^ Yes, my boyfriend was shocked and went O.o He knows that I am not that indulgent, usually.

Typically, I would have just gotten myself the cheapest tri-band phone, but I was weak... I want.... although, I wanted a black phone and they had only pink ones >.< I had gotten the phone, 256MB memory card and headset (for handsfree and music), a new SIM card (Digi cause I needed a backup number, Hotlink being weird lately), phone hard plastic casing, a neck band and a soft pink casing for RM 1400.

I love my phone :) however, I am still not over the fact that I splurge so much money on just a phone >.< Esp with me quitting my job so soon >.
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