Dec 26, 2006 14:02


I am so pathetic. Cory had been offline for 2 week already. We've never been offline from each other this long before. And even though we talked for at least once a day (very short convo) it drives me batty to be without him.

Despite all our petty spats, we do love each other very much. Lots and lots and lots. And I miss him so very much. I keep on remembering all the times when we were together. The stuff we do, the things we share, the laughter and the emotion. If anyone think that a quiet man will lead to a quiet boring life, then you are mistaken. A boring man might lead a boring life. A quiet man, has lots and lots of insights and things to share.

I suppose if our relationship is the kind where I lead my life and he lead his, it wouldn't have made me so lonely, but would I trade the occasional loneliness with the closeness we share? I think not. I have my friends whom I can always turn to. I just choose to worry myself to death alone. Until of course, I can't stand my own company and jump headlong into socializing with everyone. Well, at least with Hani and Tariq :)

Hani and Tariq.... Hmmmm... the special couple that stood with me through thick and thin. The people who are generous enough to share their love with me. If there is someone I would trust Cory with, definitly H & T. If Cory had to do convert in Malaysia, I definitly will ask Tariq to stand as his witness as well as my brother. See, Hani and Tariq are like my siblings. Ok, richer sibling but hey it's their steadiness that draws me to their company. Underneath all that sparkle, there is solid dependable substance.

*sighs* I still miss Cory so much :-/

rl, family, cory, friend

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