Feb 07, 2005 16:20
I was trying to have a converstation with my pet Rhino Shalom The Rabbi when an Alien Sport Utility Vehicle came up to me and began asking me if Id rather live in a big city or small town? I immediatly gave the alien a high five and ran five laps around the tennis court. I was pulled over by the cops who showed me a new law that send "Thou shall not run 5 laps around the tennis courts". I was arrested and sentanced to death. Lucky for me Im made of rubber and easily escaped the handcuffs, and also luckily I have the ability to time travel so I traveled back 10 mintues ago and only ran 4 laps. This reminded my friend Jimmy Jewitz about the hit TV show Aniamorphus Reloaded. Jimmy began to act out the part of Kuzzamon the morphing doliphan, when the President went walking by and was so shocked and decided to declare Martial Law. How irrattional. Almost as irrational as Estaban. Estaban tryed to sell me giant shit he just had for 99 dollars. Then I realized the shit was a guitar.The caused rap super star Da Brat to body slam him.