May 27, 2007 22:10
so i was watching this episode of house. it's the one w/ the crazy mother that kills her baby w/ the drunk dad. and one where foreman comes back from almost dying.
House says that almost dying changes everything for about two months with those people, and then they go back to thinking normally. it really made me think when he talked about telling the mother who wanted to die that everyday should be a blessing and that she should just be happy that she's alive and not care that she killed her baby. [House saying foreman would say that to her] but that being content and happy with life isn't always a good thing. b/c it would mean the human race would be happily content sitting in a cestpool of their own waste. and to some extent that's true.
i think a lot of the times i focus on trying to be content with the way things are now, trying to be constantly happy. and for the most part i actually am happy or content with the way life is. and part of the thing happy life is that you should be constantly pushing yourself forward. making a positive difference on humanity. it shouldn't feel like life is trying to pound you down but that you are kicking life's ass. at least, in a way, it's kind of like that sometimes.
my answer for most things is that there has to be balance between things. trying to notice where your life may be tipping too far to one side is hard though. everything in moderation. except maybe crack or herione. even in moderation those might be bad.
i don't care for the shift key much jason, it's not really my friend. the enter key and i are becoming the kind of friend that you have one class with and enjoy their company in, but never invite them anywhere outside of school. :}