last time on as south africa turns:
--lauren went on a long ass trip. where?, you ask. yeah, to the fucking mountains for camping.
--on aforementioned trip, lauren falls several times, cuts her knees, gets blisters, and freezes to death....all on the same fucking hike. it was still kinda fun.
so today was my last day of school. bittersweet. sweet because its the last day of school. the last day for me to get up at 7 in the morning. the last day that i have to listen to faghmie's horrible techno music. the last day that i have to fear for my life or the lives of pedestrians while in faghmie's care. sweet because in 3 weeks, i'll be at home, in fucking america--there's no place like home. in 3 weeks, i'll be with my mom and dad. in 3 weeks, i'll be able to hang out with my friends and my sister. in 4 weeks, im sure i'll be bored out of my fucking skull and itching to return to cape town or even durham, but whatever. but i didnt think that today would be so difficult and tear-inducing at times. regardless of the fact that i've only been working at st. agnes for 5 weeks, i bonded significantly with the 35 or so little rugrats in my class. i love them, especially the bad ones. it was damn near impossible for me to say goodbye to them without crying. it was especially heartbreaking when they asked me whether or not they would see me again, or why i wouldnt be back before next winter holiday (since they know it's my summer holiday). making connections like that is something that i really missed out on last summer, and im so glad to have been able to do it this year. i just forgot how much it sucks to leave. but im sooooooooooooooo excited to leave and get home. oooh, while im thinking about it, i have set up a webshots for my time in south africa. its not all the way done, of course, but at least i started it. here's where you can find it: i hope you enjoy it!
next time on as south africa turns:
--lauren celebrates the end of term by getting eaten by either a lion or a hippo on safari in botswana.