Mar 05, 2003 02:08
Aw, Fredo just fell off the window-sill and he has this look on his face now like he is pissed at it for allowing him to slip off. I wonder what will come next...
In other news, I have not been updating nearly as much as I should have been lately. Frank is here, and with him came tons of CDs I wanted to copy. This means the computer has been occupied with that arduous task and I have been unable to keep this damned thing updated. I think I have copied at least fourty of his CDs with more to go in the next few days.
Speaking of CDs, tonight I picked up the new Massive Attack, which is amazing, as expected, and Marianne Faithful's newest album, which is one of my new favorites. I can not stop listening to it. Wow. And I got a backpack and some patches (Cure and Misfits) as well as some buttons to go on it. I have decided that I am going to use my full-length fancy black coat as my new gothy/punky coat, since I never wear it and if I fancy it up some I will at least "get my money's worth out of it." It was almost $200, after all. I am going to put spikes on the shoulder and get a belt with silver pyramids on it to replace the one that came with it. And then I'll fill the lapel with pins and buttons and fun stuff like that. We will see how it looks then, and if I need to do more to it.
Paid lots of bills and rent and things today. Hoo boy. I hate that, but then again, it is just part of being a productive member of society. Sort of. I think it is really an intricate conspiracy by Bill Gates and the ghost of James Dean. Those kniving nazi bastards. Grrr.
I talked to my mom and she was very pleased to have gotten the news today that there is a support group in Kansas City for people who have undergone laryngectamies, like my dad. My response to her: "That must a quiet group. What do they do, sit around in a circle and pass notes?" She thought that was funny, and said she'd pass it on to my dad tomorrow when she goes back to the hospital. I hope he is not too offended and realizes it is just a joke. He probably will. If not, he'll get over it I guess.
The subways were all fucked up tonight. It's like something serious happened that shut down or diverted most lines. The N,R,W was not running at all, and the 2 (if not other trains) was running on another line. While waiting for a bus at Flatbush and 5th to bring me back to Sunset Park, I ran into a girl who lives on the first floor of my building, and she said that the whole Times Square station was closed off. I wonder if this is some terror thing like a few months ago when they closed off the Union Square station. Though this seems much bigger. I hope trains and everything are back to normal tomorrow so I can get to class on time.
What I did today that I am most proud of: I paid bills.
What I did today that I am most ashamed of: I ate a can of "canned meat product" that Beckie commented on in the store. It was the most disguting thing I think I have ever eaten. The ingredients list was unbelievable. stuff like "mechanically seperated chicken" and "unfatted beef fatty tissue." What the fuck is that?
And since I left everyone hanging with the results of Fredo vs. windowsill:
He talked to it for a second, turned in a few circles, laid down on my jacket, then ran down the hall after something which probably was not really there.
Final score: Fredo 1, sill 0