I've not posted in just over a month, and that was the end of a seven day long meme, which means it's nearly been a month and a half.
I keep wondering why, and all I can come up with is I'm pretty happy at the moment. I'm sure I'm a lot more prolific with my posting when I'm not, which can't be that much fun, but eh.
BTW, I'm not unhappy now. Far from it. Other than the lovely headaches and sore throat I've had yesterday and today, which actually aren't that bad since I'm not full-on ill. *lovingly caresses the wooden desk*
So, things have been generally good. Been on some cracking nights out, the one before last (Halloween) of which I have a massive hole in my memory for and I lost my phone. It was a bit gutting because I still reckon the N95 was a bit better for my needs than the Samsung Jet I now have, but can't complain at something new to play with too much. I did make a great Viking too.
Last Saturday was very good though. Went to see the fireworks with
clo which were very, very good, despite us not getting to watch by the castle. It's not difficult to find them
on YouTube, although the vids aren't the best. Anyway, that night I decided to go mee my flat mates in town to go out for a couple, which ended up as a few more than that, but never mind. It was lots of fun, and it's the first night out here I remember pretty much all of!
It was when I woke up last Sunday I started going a bit mental though. Not only did I have Penny Arcade stuck in my head, which is understandable as it's a massive hit on the karaoke in the RAOB club which we like to frequent, but I also had Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau going round up there also. This drove me a bit nuts at first as I didn't know the words, but I managed to get it out of my head finally. And I now know the words. And own a Welsh Rugby shirt. Seriously, you want to see what will make you do crazy things, get your national anthem stuck in your head for a few days.
Otherwise things are going great. Other recent happenings have been going out for Claire A's birthday party in Manchester, doing loads of awesome stuff in uni including mixing up the groups we work in which has been good for everyone, meeting my flat mates' friends on nights out and getting on well with them, getting to see everyone back at home over half term and generally just getting on with things in a constructive and fun way.
Oh, and I'm up to episode 18 on Series 3 of Heroes which I've been watching for a little over a week (I think) which is pretty good going. When I do something, I do it properly.